10 Keys to Innovate, #NoMatterWhat

Innovation isn’t optional these days. And I don’t mean purely technological innovation…

I’m talking about meaningful, transformational and even exponential change for the better across any area, from technology to processes or from finances to your career. The faster the world is changing around us, the more  imperative it is for us to change with it - personally, professionally and within our organizations. The relentless pursuit of innovation is mission critical. But what does it really take to innovate #NoMatterWhat you’re facing? I’m glad you asked, because from my research and work with clients of all sizes all over the world, there are 10 keys to unlock what it takes… 

1. Cultivate a Culture of Curiosity

At its core, innovation is about asking questions. Things like “what if?” or “imagine…” The more you can encourage your teams to be curious, challenge the status quo, and seek different perspectives the more that inquisitiveness will lead to novel ideas and fresh approaches.

2. Embrace Failure as a Teacher

Many people fear failure, but it’s often a necessity for growth and breakthrough results. If you’re not willing to try something new and potentially fail, you’re only repeating what you’ve already done. No innovation there. By acclimating your team to failure, accepting within your culture that not every attempt will succeed, those setbacks are an opportunity to learn. Where there are risks, there is innovation potential. 

3. Diversify Thought

Echo chambers are where innovation goes to die. Encourage, hire  and engage with people of diverse backgrounds, industries and disciples. Expand your definition of “culture fit” to include different experiences and viewpoints leading to a broader range of ideas and solutions. 

4. Invest in Continuous Learning

It feels like every day I get up there’s a new AI announcement. The pace at which technology and industries are changing is unprecedented. Learning might not tie directly to sales, but keeping yourself and your team updated with access to training, workshops, and courses keeps you ahead of the curve.

5. Foster Cross-functional Collaboration

Break down the silos. How can you encourage departments to interact and collaborate? When varied skills and expertise come together, it can result in innovative solutions that one department alone might not have considered.

6. Set Aside Time for Creative Thinking

Busy schedules can stifle creativity. And who isn’t busy these days? Designate time where you, your teams and perhaps even your whole company can step back from day-to-day tasks to brainstorm, experiment, question assumptions and explore new possibilities.

7. Welcome Bottom-Up Innovation

While strategic direction is top-down, many groundbreaking ideas come from those on the frontline. Create channels for all team members to share their ideas and insights and celebrate their perspective. By the way, you can do this as an individual, as well, by asking around for ideas to plus up your game from friends, co-workers and even clients. 

8. Keep the User in Mind

I can’t tell you how many companies have an innovation department with the functional (and sometimes even stated) goal of innovation. Innovation is not the goal! Keep the focus on the real goal of ensuring that innovation leads to practical and effective solutions that actually work. 

9. Update Legacy Processes

Why are you going through the processes you’re going through? Because that’s how the person before you did it? Or, is it just a best practice you adopted? Traditional processes can impede innovation. Be open to adopting new methodologies that can accelerate ideation and implementation.

10. Be Patient and Persistent

Innovation isn’t usually immediate. Some ideas need time to mature, sometimes you need to mature, sometimes things need constant tweaking. Stay committed and accept (or better said, surrender)  where you are and what you need to do next.

Innovation isn’t something that you do. It’s a constant consistent approach. 

How you approach innovation – personally and professionally – will rub off on those around you. And it sets the tone for what’s possible around you.

By taking on these 10 keys, you’ll ensure in yourself an ability to change, grow and innovate, regardless of what the future holds. Those that thrive don’t rest on the success of yesterday, those that thrive choose to innovate – #NoMatterWhat. 


Create Space for What Matters 


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