Hunting Discomfort

Find growth, sales, innovation and results—regardless of what’s in the way.

Available in bookstores everywhere, my bestselling book shares a five-step path for achieving what you want in life and work, No Matter What. It’s the same evidence-based, field-tested roadmap I share in my keynote speeches to help thousands of people around the world make a difference in their companies, communities and families.

Your fear of leaving your comfort zone is the only thing standing between you and whatever you’re looking for. In five steps, I’ll show you how to use discomfort as a divining rod so you can rise to your next challenge.

In this book, you will:

  • Receive the step-by-step practice I use to help people and teams achieve goals that start out seeming scary or out of reach. 

  • Learn which of the five types of discomfort may be holding you back and dive into exercises so you can put these ideas and insights into action.

  • Meet members of the No Matter What Movement who are creating meaningful changes and reaching exciting goals in their lives and businesses.

Embrace discomfort. Transform your life.