11 Questions for Growth

Businesses only grow as much as their people do.

Over the last several weeks on the road – I’ve been with a lot of people working to grow their businesses by growing themselves.

And that growth always starts with a willingness to discover new answers through new questions.

Throughout different cities, cultures and conversations – here are 11 questions that I’ve found have consistently opened new growth opportunities for people and the companies they’re a part of… 

What’s your intention?

Sometimes we’re all so busy, we forget why we’re doing some things to begin with… 

How much time are you talking about what’s possible?

If you’re only discussing what you don’t like or what you can’t do – you’ll never be able to move on and grow from it. 

Are you dealing with the symptom or the cause?

Solving symptoms might work in the short term, but solving the cause solves it for good. 

Are you “healing” something or avoiding it?

If you’re just dodging whatever it is that caused your pain, you’re not freeing yourself from that wound, you’re sentencing yourself to living with it. (Rather, hunt it down to be ultimately free of it).

What aren’t you accepting?

Avoiding, denying and surviving might feel better, but unless you’re surrendering to what is, it makes it very hard to do much else. 

Are you more concerned with information or people?

Whether you’re right or wrong (or you just don’t know), as Maya Angelou reflected in her writings  – in time, what ultimately matters most is how you made the other person feel. 

Are you operating off your feelings or facts?

Feelings are important, but facts are usually closer to what’s real

How much love are you showing up with?

My Mom, now famous for her sayings, used to say: love grows. If it doesn’t grow, it isn’t love. If you or what you’re focused on isn’t growing, maybe that’s what is missing. 

Are you working with a “best practice”?

Or looking for the best way to do something? They’re not always the same. 

Who are you spending most of your time with?

Your time is best spent with people that you’re serving and are serving you

Is what you’re doing aligned with where you want to go and who you want to be?

If not, it’s never too late to re-align. 

Simply sitting in the inquiry of these questions might open up some new ideas, new directions and new possibilities. If they do, will you tell me what they are? I always love to hear about the impact that you’re making – you can DM me on instagram, twitter – or join me in the #NoMatterWhat Community on FaceBook.

I’ll see you there. 

Obviously, answering these questions won’t solve everything. But solving is actually not the point. Opening yourself to a consistent inquiry is the only road to growth. Growth that will spread like ripples in a pond into your team, your company and through all those around you.

Here’s to your growth, #NoMatterWhat.


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