Finish the Year with Festivus (and 2 other things to complete 2022 with a bang)


It’s true.

We’re moving into the last month of 2022… And if you’re asking yourself how you can finish the year strong, you’re in the right spot. I have a few ideas you can engage with that will leave you free and clear for 2023 breakthrough results. #NoMatterWhat you’re facing.

Are you ready?

Air your grievances.

If you’re a fan of Seinfeld, you already know this as a Festivus tradition, a made up holiday on the show. But there’s science behind why this is a good idea, especially at the end of the year. 365 days is a long time. And in that time, there are no doubt ways you’ve felt wronged or treated unfairly -- in big and small ways. Holding on to any of those things will color how you see the perpetrators (and everything else for that matter). Sharing with them, in kind and supportive ways, that you feel you were wronged will present the opportunity to resolve it, be done with it, and move on. 

Take it on the chin.

2022 was a bit of a roller coaster for many. Inflation, looming depression, Covid fallout, supply chain disruption, staffing shortages, global instability – really a universal instability driven by rapid, relentless and accelerating change. Amidst all of that there is no shortage of reasons, excuses and circumstances as to why you didn’t hit some of your goals. Those things may be totally valid, but blaming anything on an uncontrollable doesn’t do much. Instead, look for things you could have done differently, directions you could have gone newly, what you could control amidst the uncontrollable. Ask: how you can take it on the chin and make it your fault. Whether it was or it wasn’t, you’ll have some power to do something about it from there. 

Take the win.

If you’re reading this, you made it. You’ve been through trials, hardships and difficulties in the last 11 months and maybe you’re still in the midst of a few. But again, you’re here. You’ve made it. Celebrate the wins (no matter how small) and be grateful for the losses (no matter how big). Wanting, wishing or hoping that things were different will only hold you back from making that change in the future. Let it all go and take the win on all of it to finish the year strong. 

I’m going into the last month of the year with these things front and center. What about you? Any other end-of-year hacks, tricks or practices that you’re using? Share them with me via DM or in the #NoMatterWhat FaceBook Community. If you’re not with us there yet, you’re missing out on some gems of wisdom from some of the most inspirational people I know. 

There’s no doubt that even some things in this last stretch of the year won’t go as planned. It’s just the nature of the world. But take it on the chin, air your grievances, and take the win, #NoMatterWhat. You’ll be better for it.

Now, let’s go finish 2022 strong, together!


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It’s Not Just Saying You’re Grateful