Free Yourself with Free Will

Are you using free will? 

I know it’s a somewhat philosophical question, but it’s an important one when it comes to your results. Your free will (or lack of it) plays a critical role in choosing pathways and actions that are in line with who you are and where you’re headed. If you want to grow – beyond wherever (and whoever) you are right now – it’s worth diving into this for a moment.

We first need to understand what free will is.

And my good friend, the dictionary, tells us it’s the ability to act at one’s own discretion – without impingement of any sort. No prior events, states of the universe or anything else is directing you to a choice; you’re making it on your own accord.

Easy, right?


The question to me is: What does that look like? If you’re making a choice, it cannot have any reasons, excuses or circumstances – otherwise it wouldn’t qualify as free will, would it? 

I’m going to call my client today because they’re expecting me – not free will. It’s because of something. 

I have to go to the gym today. Free will doesn’t “have” to do anything. Not free will. 

I need to launch my business in 6 months. Free will doesn’t “need” – does it? It’s supposed to be free. 

Free means that it’s not impacted by, in reference to, or because… of anything! Totally unencumbered. It is free and free of its own accord. But it gets even more interesting. Are you ready for it? 

What about your emotions? If they’re impinging on your choices, are they still free? After all, they’re your emotions. 

I don’t feel like having that tough conversation – is it free when you’re avoiding the potential discomfort of it?

Or, I need to have ice cream tonight because I feel bad about a lost deal. Because of your emotions is still because – doesn’t seem free to me.

Does it to you? 

It seems that, even in theory if we have free will, we’re often not really taking advantage of it. Most everything is because of something else – leaving us in a circumstantial jail. If your choices are all circumstantial, then you can probably guess what happens when circumstances change! We can become victims of circumstance with little autonomy to exercise free will anywhere… 

While it doesn’t look like free will is automatic, it can be strengthened. Just get rid of the “because” as a place to start. Go to the gym. Make that phone call. Have the conversation. Because nothing. You do these things because you do them. It’s not that you don’t take all the circumstances into account. I suggest you do.

But when it comes time to choose –  choose because you choose.

Nothing more and nothing less.

That’s free will. 

One final (important) note here.

Sometimes we can get backed into a corner without any options. Regardless, it’s still possible to choose that obligation freely. By doing it in the spirit of free choice. By actively and intentionally accepting (surrendering to) what is and what isn’t – and choosing it anyway. In the spirit of freedom – you always have the ability to exercise that kind of free will. You might even say you can use free will, #NoMatterWhat. 

With all that said…

What is it that you want to choose out of your own free will? If you set the reasons, excuses and circumstances aside – what is it that you choose?

Choose something big or something small.

Something you have no control over or something you’re directly impacting.

Whatever it is – I invite you to choose it out of free will. And better yet, share with me in the #NoMatterWhat Community Facebook group

You already know that I’m not a philosopher and I’m not a scientist, obviously. But from our short study here and from my own experience, if we’re not exercising free will, we’re not going to end up where we want to be. There are just too many circumstances these days getting in the way.

I invite you to choose more and “because” less.

I bet your future self will be glad that you started to free yourself by using your free will.


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