Pause. The triple reset.

Pause. A moment in time to slow down, reflect, recalibrate, even reset back to what really matters. Really matters to your clients, your business, your community, your family and yourself.

When was the last time you took a real pause?

Stepped away from the constant traffic of the day to day to go deeper for a minute, a day, a week or longer? 

As you’re reading this – I’m on pause. No power. No internet. No running water. No talking. And some days, no food or water deep in the jungles of the Amazon. I’m with the Peruvian indigenous group called the Shipibo at a place called Shipibo Rao. I’m here to learn from their practices and traditions to reconnect and realign to what matters most. I’m sure I’ll have much to report on my return. 

This pause isn’t just for me, it’s an invitation for you to join me in a triple reset. Whether you aim to take a pause in a remote jungle, in the local woods, or even before your morning coffee – a regular pause is important. It’s an opportunity to step back and assess beliefs, views and perspectives you have about three areas: 

How you see yourself: your personality, your capabilities, your role. 

How you see others: individually, your team, your company, or a social group and the ways in which you’ve defined them. 

And finally, how you see the world at large and how you see everything working together (or not). 

The perspectives you have in these areas, these three lenses of belief, are so important to back up and understand, or at least inquire about, because (you’ve heard it from me before) they drive the actions you take and therefore your results. They’re the map you’re using to navigate. And if you have an inaccurate map, how can you ever get where you’re looking to go? 

Is how you’ve defined yourself really serving you? Is how you see your company effective for what you want to achieve? Do you think how the world works around you is the only way that it can work or is something else true? Are any or all of the beliefs you hold in alignment with what’s most important to you?

Pause. Look. Reflect. As two of my friends and mentors Richard Condon and Jeff Willmore say, “Bring less certainty and more inquiry”. Offer up the things that you hold true into the light of consideration with a willingness to change them. And if it serves you… change them. It might be a tough pill to swallow, but I’m right there with you – literally doing the work as you read this. 

We can find time condemning what we don’t have in our business or life…not enough money, not enough time, not the right culture, not the right boss, not enough resources…the list goes on and on…. But as one of, if not the founding father of modern psychology, Carl Jung, teaches us, condemnation about any of those things does not liberate us from them. It sentences us to be oppressed by them. 

Instead, as we’re getting ready to close out Q3 of 2022 and the summer solstice is ending, I invite you to slow down, reflect, recalibrate and reset your underlying beliefs. I invite you to bring yourself back to what really matters in any and/or all areas of your life. I invite you to pause. I’ll see you on the other side. 


Discomfort May Lead To Your Next Breakthrough