8 Things that Make a Great Keynote Speaker

A great keynote speaker can (and will) set the tone for an event, inspire an audience, and leave a lasting impact. But what exactly makes a keynote speaker great? As someone who’s been in the industry now for over 7 years, here are the key attributes that define a great keynote speaker:

1. Expertise and Authority

A great keynote speaker must be an expert in their field. This expertise lends authority and credibility, making the audience more likely to trust and engage with their message. For example, Simon Sinek, known for his concept "Start With Why," is revered because of his deep understanding and innovative perspective on leadership and motivation.

2. Engaging Storytelling

The ability to tell a story that captivates the audience is crucial. Stories make complex ideas relatable and memorable. Brené Brown, a renowned researcher and storyteller, excels in this area by weaving personal anecdotes into her talks on vulnerability and leadership, making her ideas accessible and impactful.

3. Authenticity

Authenticity resonates with audiences. When speakers are genuine and transparent, it builds trust and rapport. Gary Vaynerchuk, for instance, is celebrated for his no-nonsense, authentic style that connects deeply with his audience, making his messages about entrepreneurship and digital marketing both compelling and credible.

4. Adaptability

A great keynote speaker must be able to adapt their message to fit the audience and the occasion. This requires understanding the audience's needs and tailoring the presentation accordingly. Speakers like Tony Robbins excel in this, adjusting their energy, content, and delivery to engage diverse audiences effectively.

5. Practical Takeaways

Providing actionable insights that attendees can implement immediately is a hallmark of an exceptional keynote. Tim Ferriss, author of "The 4-Hour Workweek," is known for his talks that are packed with practical advice and life hacks that attendees can apply to improve their productivity and lifestyle.

6. Charismatic Delivery

Charisma and presence on stage are critical. Great speakers use their voice, body language, and eye contact to engage the audience and deliver their message powerfully.

7. Inspirational Vision

A keynote speaker should inspire and motivate the audience. This often involves presenting a vision that resonates and challenges the audience to think differently. Here, Sterling Hawkins stands out, sharing incredible new potential and possibilities for each attendee inspiring innovation, transformation and new action.

8. Relevance and Timeliness

Addressing current trends and issues can make a keynote more relevant and engaging. Speakers who can tie their expertise to current events or industry shifts often have a greater impact. Malala Yousafzai’s talks on education and women's rights, for example, are not only powerful but also timely and relevant to ongoing global conversations.

Selecting a great keynote speaker involves looking beyond just their resume. It’s about finding someone who combines expertise with engaging storytelling, authenticity, adaptability, practical insights, charismatic delivery, inspirational vision, and relevance. These attributes ensure that a speaker can not only captivate an audience but also leave a lasting impact.

For speaker bureau sales agents and event planners, understanding these qualities can make the difference in choosing a speaker who will elevate an event and provide unforgettable value to attendees.


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