Don't hire a keynote speaker. Hire a practitioner that can keynote.

Keynote speakers have undeniably become a huge feature in conferences, seminars, and corporate gatherings. Their speeches, stories, and personas often leave audiences motivated and invigorated, and this is undoubtedly valuable.


Let’s be real, there are a lot of them out there today and more continuing to enter the market. The influx of keynote speakers into the market raises an important question: Does merely taking the stage suffice?

There's a growing recognition that while keynote speakers might excel at entertainment and motivation, they may lack the practical expertise necessary to drive real change and deliver practical results.

That’s why I suggest considering a different approach:

Hire a practitioner (that’s also a great keynote speaker).

Hiring a practitioner can make all the difference.

Keynote speakers are typically great at communication and storytelling - as they should be. They excel at captivating audiences with their narratives and leaving people excited. However, their expertise often lies more in public speaking than in the specific subject matter they address or giving your audiences tools that they themselves have validated in practice.

On the other hand, practitioners are individuals who have hands-on experience and a deep understanding of their field. They bring real-world insights, methods, and solutions that can directly impact your business and make your investment worthwhile.

So, why hire a practitioner that can keynote over a keynote speaker?

  1. Relevance and Relatability: Practitioners are actively engaged in their respective fields, which means they are up-to-date with the latest trends, challenges, and innovations. When they speak, their insights are grounded in current realities, making them more relevant and relatable to your audience. Unlike keynote speakers who may rely on generalized anecdotes, a practitioner can speak directly to the issues your audience faces.

  2. Actionable Advice: While keynote speakers often motivate, practitioners provide actionable advice that attendees can implement immediately. Whether it's strategies for improving productivity, optimizing processes, or overcoming specific challenges, practitioners offer practical solutions based on their firsthand experiences. This actionable advice adds tangible value to your event and empowers attendees to make meaningful changes in their work or businesses.

  3. Q&A and Interaction: One of the biggest advantages of hiring a practitioner is the opportunity for meaningful interaction. Unlike traditional keynote speeches, which are often one-way presentations, practitioners can engage with the audience through Q&A sessions, workshops, and interactive discussions. This direct engagement allows attendees to delve deeper into the topic, ask questions, and gain deeper insights tailored to their specific needs.

  4. Credibility and Authenticity: Practitioners bring a level of credibility and authenticity that can be hard to match. Their expertise is derived from years of practical experience, successes, and failures in the field. This authenticity resonates with audiences, establishing trust and credibility in their message. When attendees know they're learning from someone who has "been there, done that," they're more likely to pay attention and take action.

  5. Long-Term Impact: While keynote speeches may provide a temporary boost in ra-ra motivation, the impact tends to fade over time. In contrast, hiring a practitioner leads to long-term benefits for your organization. The actionable insights and strategies they provide spark real change, improve performance, and drive results long after the event has ended. Whether it's implementing new processes, adopting innovative technologies, or refining existing strategies, the influence of a practitioner can be felt for months or even years to come.

While keynote speakers certainly have their place in the world of events and conferences, there's a strong case to be made for hiring a practitioner that not only inspires and entertains but adds long-term value and lasting impact.

Their practical expertise, actionable advice, and direct engagement can make a significant difference in the success of your event and the transformation it has on your audience. So, the next time you're planning an event, consider exchanging the traditional keynote speaker and opt for a practitioner who can, not only keynote, but deliver real value and drive meaningful growth.


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