2 Critical Components of Personal Transformation 

There are certain things we all need to create change in ourselves. Needed as in, they’re imperative to creating  change in the direction we want. And it boils down to two things. Given that we’re about half way through 2023 – it’s a perfect time to review goals, see where we’re at – and reflect on how each of us might want to create change in ourselves going forward. 

Number one on our long list of two: Intentional direction. What is it that you want to change? And then going deeper. Why haven’t you made that change already? What have you been avoiding, denying or surviving that has you behaving as you are now? What’s available to you on the other side of that change? You have to know where you’re going and what’s in the way of your going before you can head there… 

Number two imperative of change: Psychological acceptance. The very active (and probably emotional) embrace of why you haven’t changed already, what has been in the way, and what has been the cost to you. Surrendering to all of it. That emotional embrace (not tolerating, but embracing) gives you the power to be able to move forward with the change that you intended. 

Intention without psychological acceptance is stagnant. Like having a map without means of transportation. 

Psychological acceptance without intention is aimless freedom. Having transportation, but no map, GPS or destination. 

Admittedly, the psychological acceptance is the harder part of this whole process. Intention does need to be… (surprise) intentional, but it’s the confronting of the deeper emotions that tends to be more difficult. I’ve found clients gain access to that acceptance through journaling, sitting down and sharing with a close personal connection, or going on retreats designed to evoke (maybe even provoke) deeper emotions.

To that end, I have an opportunity  for you. I’ll be running one of my first ever workshops that’s open to the public in collaboration with Rythmia, August 20-27, 2023. That means you can join me in person at their facility in Costa Rica! We came together with Rythmia because I believe that aligning ourselves around our ultimate intentions has never been more critical as change and challenges are forced upon us. And in the workshop, we’ll  get clear on those intentions, and more importantly – we will deliberately get out of the way, whatever is in the way of living true to it. I promise you a rich mix of fulfilling intentional direction work and access to deep psychological acceptance – the 2 components necessary for personal transformation.

You can register and check out more details here or DM me if you have any questions. 


+1 (844) 236-5674

By aligning yourself with yourself – that is: aligning the mental part of yourself with your heart, soul and emotion – you can grow, change and even transform in meaningful ways. 

Whether you choose to  join us in August, or not, I invite you to take this time mid-2023 to step back and get clear on your intentions, goals and aspirations (for the year, the decade and even your life ahead). And look for how you can gain that psychological acceptance needed to move in that direction. It can be emotional, difficult work – but it’s critical to creating change.

First for yourself, and then for those around you. 

Learn more about the experience | The Reality of Truth

The Reality of Truth Film offers a front row seat on an around the world exploration of how people, groups and entire cultures tap into an alternative “true reality” through spirituality, meditation, and psychedelics. Join Michelle Rodriguez (Fast and the Furious) and Zappy Zapolin as they meet with thought leaders from around the world, including Bruce Lipton, Deepak Chopra, Ram Dass, Marianne Williamson, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Foster Gamble, Gerard Armond Powell and many more, on their journey to find the reality of truth.


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