Two Words to Change Your Life

Can two words change your life? 

If you use them correctly.

I know, you might be thinking: “Sterling, #NoMatterWhat is a hashtag, but technically it’s three words, not two”.

Just stick with me and hear this out… 

I went from selling my first company to a Silicon Valley group that was Apple Pay before Apple Pay. We raised $550m USD and the work environment turned into a scene from Wolf Of Wall Street: models in the office, parties at the Four Seasons, more first class tickets than I can count. But…. (you knew there was a but coming), we grew too quickly, raised too much money too fast, and when the housing market collapsed globally, that company went bankrupt. Long story short, I go from a big, beautiful downtown San Francisco Penthouse, to my parent’s house. 

Have you ever been knocked down a couple pegs? Or like in my case, knocked down all the pegs?

In that dark moment of my life, where everything collapsed in my business, and I even questioned my decision making ability, a quest started.. A quest that started with me wondering how to change my life and it has developed into a system to change any life or business.

I’ll save you the years of research and countless other struggles I’ve had, but I eventually landed on something that’s incredibly powerful. 99% of people wake up in the familiar world of, “I want, wish, hope, could, try, might, or even I simply can’t”. 

  • Why can’t I hit my performance target?

  • I wish I had a job I liked.

  • I might start a company of my own.

But look...

How was Martin Luther King’s dream so transformative? We all dream. How is Elon Musk’s vision changing industries? Many have visions. Or how did Mother Teresa’s compassion sweep the world over? Compassion is a human emotion we all share. 

The people that make a difference live in another world. A world that everyone knows, but only 1% of people step into. Here’s the good news / bad news: making a difference has nothing to do with what you’ve accomplished so far. Who you know. How much money you have. Or, anything else. 

Those that make the biggest difference are brave enough, courageous enough, these days even heroic enough, to gaze into the unknown of tomorrow, next week, next month or next year and utter this incredibly simple but profound 2-word phrase that can change your life:


The difference makers live in a world of #NoMatterWhat (you knew it was coming). They take the chaos of potential into the unknown of tomorrow and WILL it into breakthrough results. They say I WILL in the face of uncertainty to reach into the future to pull out their potential. They commit not to circumstances, reasons and excuses. They commit to the creativity, the ingenuity, the determination, within themselves. 

Of course there’s hard work, problems that arise, failures that happen. And it’s addressing those things head on that cultivates a belief in your ability to figure it out no matter what happens. 

We’ve just launched something very special. I’ve had thousands of people from around the world share their #NoMatterWhat. And now it’s your turn. If you’re brave enough to step up to the plate. 

One of the things I’ve learned on this journey, is that almost everyone of us  has at least some idea of what difference we want our lives to make. What difference we want to make in our company, our community or even our family. Some dream. Some goal. Some vision. Even if we’ve been knocked down a few times on the way. 

Click on this link and write in the blank that comes up what your dream is. Write in that blank your goal. Write in that blank the difference you want to make with your life. 

It goes like this: I WILL __________ #NoMatterWhat

It’s your move to make from here. It’s not easy to go out on a limb and declare something before you know how you’re going to do it.

You might not be ready yet.

Or, will you reach deep inside yourself to discover the courage to take steps away from what you already know, who you already are and the results you already have to risk saying I WILL?


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