Give up the Exception, Get your Results

We all live lives and run businesses that are committed to something. But that commitment often isn’t what we think it is, or have posted on the company vision page or in the mission statement. Without slowing down and understanding what we value most – those commitments become a barrier hindering success instead of a pathway to it. 

I was doing an executive workshop session last week. And it was easy for every single one of the attendees to rattle off goals and values they said they were “committed to”. Here’s a sample… 

  • We stand for delivering 5-star customer experiences

  • We believe in innovation and constantly looking for what’s next

  • I’m committed to fostering a healthy lifestyle for myself and those around me

All sounds great! Right? Can’t argue with anything there. Feel free to think about what you’re committed to and add it to the list. 

But here’s where the rubber meets the road: What we’re really committed to only emerges in the exceptions to when those statements hold true. And it’s those exceptions that rule your results. Here’s what I mean. 

  • You stand for delivering 5-star customer experiences… except when it doesn’t meet your budget. That’s called, I’m committed to keeping my budget (not 5-star customer service).

  • We believe in innovation… except when it means my job will totally transform. That’s called, I’m committed to keeping my role exactly how it is (not a real belief in innovation). 

  • I’m committed to fostering a healthy lifestyle… except when someone brings cake into the office. That’s called, I’m committed to eating free cake! (not a healthy lifestyle). 

Those exceptions, when honored blindly and frequently, become the rules you live by and the culture you foster. NOT what you might say you really want to achieve; true for these executives and true for you. When you give up those exceptions, you’ll start to radically change your results. It’s in those moments when you see potential exceptions starting to rule the day that you can step back, step in, and WILL what you’re really committed to into existence. To deliver the experience, grow the innovation, to be healthy, or whatever you really want to achieve… truly #NoMatterWhat. 

Running a #NoMatterWhat business or living a #NoMatterWhat life isn’t easy. And if it was… chances are you would have all the results you want already. That’s why we created the #NoMatterWhat Community to be there as support. A chance to connect with others, find some peers to share with and even accountability partners to help you realize the results you want to achieve. If you’re not part of it already, join us here. I look forward to seeing you as part of the group and want you to feel free to reach out to me directly there if I can be of service. 

Don’t get me wrong, there might always be a few exceptions at some level. After-all, we do have to deal with an ever-changing world. But at least for today, I invite you to step past the reasons, circumstances and excuses. It doesn’t mean they’re not valid – but it does mean that you refuse to commit to the exceptions that are standing in your way. When you start to rule the exceptions #NoMatterWhat – they become your new rule. And the results you want can’t help but follow.

Join the #NoMatterWhat Community!


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