How to Know When You’re on the Right Track Hunting Discomfort…

You’ll know that hunting the discomfort of expanding your reality is working when . . . drumroll here . . . you start getting results!

It’s that simple.

It might not be immediate (though it could be), but over time your goals will start lining up better with your results. This is the number one indicator of your success.

Others include:

You feel alive. Moving through discomfort will typically leave you feeling rejuvenated, exhilarated, energized and more alive than you’ve felt in some time. Deep down, you’ve always known the potential you have. When you lose the limiting beliefs that are holding you back, you are essentially unleashing this part of yourself.

You courageously face headwinds from the status quo. People at your job, in your community and even your friends and family know only a limited version of who you are. As you hunt down and change your limited and faulty lenses on the world, your words, actions, ideas and self will begin to change. Your vehicle with wings! Expect pushback. Understand that who you are may also be threatening the comfort zone of those around you. Know that pushback means the process is working. (And you can always gift them a copy of this book to get them on board.)

You see the world differently. Expanding your reality shifts how you see yourself, others and the world. Maybe the view will be a little different, maybe it will be radically different. You won’t have to force it, it will just happen naturally because your vantage point has changed.

Your discomfort changes. Once you start actively hunting discomfort, the experience of the discomfort will change. Things that used to trigger you may no longer. Emotions that took over might not be there anymore. It takes time, but discomfort isn’t static—it can and will change, and when it does, it means you’re doing it right.

Your unexamined beliefs about yourself and the world will always limit you. Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate, as the late psychologist Carl Jung suggested. 

If you don’t have the results you want, now is the perfect time to question the beliefs you have in order to expand your view of what might be possible. Remember, there’s not just one better way to view things. More better ways will naturally present themselves as you take steps forward. You’ll get better at doing it, too. Everything you want is on the other side of discomfort: you just have to be courageous enough to push through. The way out is through—through the discomfort of facing reality.

[Chapter 3: Hunting the discomfort of reality: expand your reality]


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