What leading from the front looks like

Putting something at risk as a leader not only drives your performance, it can dramatically impact the performance of others. A key piece of the #NoMatterWhat approach is that it can take place anytime and anywhere, even at the 550 location burger chain, Red Robin. 

Denny Marie Post, the CEO, was dealing with a performance issue: poor customer satisfaction surveys. Specifically, customers were saying that they wouldn’t recommend the restaurant to a friend. Clearly, this is an issue for any business.

When you see someone commit to a cause with something bigger than their own discomfort, it is inspiring, it’s moving. And it’s what people mean when they talk about leading from the front. It can be something serious or it could be something fun, the point is that what you’re risking is outside of your comfort zone. 

Denny’s strategy was to work with her mid-level managers, those that directly impact customer surveys, to see what could be done. I’m sure there were many ideas but the breakthrough came when Denny put something at risk. She said, “if customer satisfaction goes up, I’ll get a tattoo” (or some version of that, I wasn’t there). A tattoo of…the Red Robin burger. Naturally. 

All of a sudden, it took the status quo and the day to day routine of going through the motions up a notch. Something was now on the line, which doubled down not only Denny’s commitment, but the commitment of the entire organization. 

When any group of people embrace commitment and the risk that goes with it, performance will always go up, under any circumstances. Following the challenge the customer surveys didn’t just get a little better, they doubled their previous performance! And Denny got the tattoo. 

For real sustainable breakthrough growth, what inspires the best work of ourselves and others isn’t necessarily a raise, a new title or even a bonus. What inspires the best from all of us is when something is at risk. When someone is so committed to results they figuratively (or literally) get a tattoo. 

You probably aren’t looking to put yourself on the line for a burger tattoo on your arm, and I get that, but that’s not the point here. It’s about looking for where you can put your own comfort at risk to make a difference. Where can you step outside of your comfort zone for a cause you’re absolutely committed to? When we’re totally committed and “get a tattoo” the results will follow, #NoMatterWhat. 

We’ll be kicking off a discussion on this topic in the #NoMatterWhat Community HERE on Facebook if you want to join in. It’s a place to share your ideas, ask questions and even “get a tattoo” by sharing your commitments. See you there!


What is #NoMatterWhat


You’re Not Good Enough (And You’re Perfect)