Lessons from the Amazon Jungle: Part 2


Two weeks in the Amazon jungle gifted me many lessons. There’s something about the austerity of only having the basics you need for survival (literally survival) that grinds everything inside of you down to only the essentials. I spent 14 days off the grid in the jungle with an indigenous group there called the Shipibo — more details about exactly what I was doing can be read in my last blog

This week I have another idea for you to consider that the jungle taught me. And again — this isn’t something to just add to the list of things you know (or already know, as the case may be). They’re things to think about, contemplate and wrestle with in your own way. From there they can make a difference. 

And you might need serious contemplation time to mull it over, as it’s a big question I’m about to ask. 

What’s your life about? 

It’s a question I wrestled with myself. If you can picture me sweating it out in the hot and humid rainforest weather, 53 hours of dry fasting in (no water whatsoever), having an existential moment, you’re close. I had the very real feeling that maybe I wouldn’t make it out of there alive. 

I had done the research. I knew that a human being can live about 3 days without water… but the heat and humidity would clearly make that shorter… Was I in dangerous territory? I knew (and I really did know) that great people were there keeping an eye on me to keep me safe. But at the same time, what if this was the end of the #NoMatterWhat journey – my life journey – ending right here in the Amazon?

It started a period of deep reflection… 

What was my life about? What have I been doing here? What does it all mean in the scheme of my life? What am I proud about and what do I regret? 

Those ideas changed me. Maybe better said – aligned me – more closely with what matters. And what matters (to me and all people) is not a bank account and it’s not a bucket list. It’s not the car you drive or even the career you have. It’s living true to things that (ironically) no matter what happens in the world, our business or our life can never be taken away from us. Things like bringing love, joy, peace and gratitude to yourself, others and the world. 

It’s not morbid in this sense, it’s freeing. It’s getting you connected to the place of what really matters at the end of the day and what will matter at the end of life. Freeing you from the excuses, the reasons, the deathbed regrets we hear all too often about and setting you up for making the impact you want to make on your team, in your business and with your family. 

I found a lot in these questions. A lot I can let go of and stop worrying about. And a lot I will hold much more preciously. 

What’s your life about? 

It’s an incredible alignment exercise for you personally and professionally to consider this question deeply. Tell me by emailing me here, DMing me on the socials or share it in the #NoMatterWhat Community. It’s not set in stone, it’s a starting point (or maybe an adjustment point) to start living, being and acting with what you say is the most important thing in your life. What your life will be about.

Needless to say, I made it out of the jungle and that dry fast no worse for the wear. That first sip of water was a godsend…  Now, back in my home, in the States, the whole experience feels like a dream. The time went all too slowly there, but in retrospect seems like it was over so quickly. But even though my time in Amazon is over, being connected to what really matters in my life will be with me forever. I wish the same for you. 


Lessons from the Amazon Jungle: Part 3


Lessons from the Amazon Jungle: Part 1