The Creation Advantage

Changing is inevitable…

…but why we change makes all the difference.

Why we change – our business, our culture, our relationships and even ourselves – is cultivated from two primary places. It can either lead you to greater growth, performance and results. Or, it can lead you down a path of frustration, circumstances and mediocrity.

You get to choose, but let me illustrate how this all plays out. 

Reactive change.

Reactive change is in response to something happening around you. You launch a new technology because your competition did (copy culture). You develop a cheaper line of goods because the economy is shaky. Even, you start going to the gym because your doctor told you to. Nothing wrong with any of that… And they might be good changes, but they’re all “because”. 

What happens when your “because” changes? What’s left? Another change, because… You’re running on a never-ending because treadmill. Wonder why you’re stressed and maybe don’t have the results you want? You’re becaused out. 

Creation is different.

It’s change that’s intentional, inspired and generative. It’s stepping into new possibility, new potential and new growth. It’s not because of something around us. It’s inspired by something greater than us. And the advantage is that #NoMatterWhat happens in the world around you, it still calls you forward. 

Where change is cultivated from, I assert, we can map to get real business results. This isn’t a fully qualified case study here, but merely illustrative of what I’m talking about. I’ve been doing a lot of work in the retail sector lately. And the retail industry as a whole grew 7% in 2022. Way higher than their fairly standard, both historical and projected, 3-4% growth rate, according to National Retail Federation, because of the pandemic bounceback. Most retailers are changing because trends, competition and other factors. Key word: because. 

How come companies like Amazon, Lululemon and REI are regularly growing at 20, 30 and 40%? Many times faster than the industry as a whole. Well… many reasons, but at this level, I I invite you to consider that they’re not merely changing because. They’re inspired by a new possible. They’re not ignoring external factors, but they’re constantly creating what retail can be – new kinds of business models, new kinds of products, new kinds of formats – and intentionally growing towards it. They harness the creation advantage – not merely reacting, but creating. 

This is a general business example, but the same goes for each of us personally. Are we changing because… Or, are we moved or inspired by what’s possible for us and our impact on the world? 

If you’re looking for a little more inspiration, I’m constantly inspired by what folks are doing in the #NoMatterWhat Community. They’re starting businesses, launching new products, hitting new records personally and professionally. Check out what’s happening and borrow a little inspiration for yourself.

It makes all the difference as the source of change. 


No Matter What in 3 Questions


4 Key Traits to Build a #NoMatterWhat Sales Culture