When is Enough, Enough? (and what to do about it)

I’m willing to bet that most things are “fine” in your life and business. Your job, fine. Your health, fine. Your community, fine. Not great, but fine. Nothing to complain about… And while that’s the case on the surface, underneath, there’s a part of you struggling inside.

I moved to Denver, Colorado about 5 months ago now, and there’s a pond right by my house where I sometimes watch the ducks. On the surface, they seem so graceful, even peaceful, it’s fine — seemingly not a care in the world. But underneath, they are working those legs! Working so hard yet giving the illusion that everything is idyllic on the surface. They are ducks, so I’m sure they’re not trying to deceive us with their underwater antics, but you get the idea. 

Don’t get me wrong, you likely are “fine”, managing all the things you’re juggling in your life... yet underneath , there’s a struggle going on somewhere, isn’t there? Maybe you feel like you’re paddling furiously and only treading water. 

Mentally. Physically. Emotionally. In your family. With your job. Maybe with your health. How many of you are looking good on top, but just paddling like crazy underneath? Paddling like crazy and waiting until tomorrow to figure out the next step in your business. Or waiting until tomorrow to launch that idea you’ve had for years. Wanting to do something proactive about maintaining or improving your health. To have that conversation you keep putting off. 

Shakespeare nailed it in MacBeth, when MacBeth says… “Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow… When is enough, enough?”

I’ve had a lot of experience with this from big struggles in my own life. From selling my first company, a company I started with my Dad to a group in Silicon Valley that raised ~USD 550M before it went bankrupt a few years later. To the pandemic taking a record year of speaking and workshops to nearly zero overnight. I’ve stared into the abyss of failure, loss and struggle more times than I can count. And it made me realize when enough is enough… 

Now. How about this moment right now that enough is finally enough? And I have an offer for how you can make it so. 

I’ve found that committing (and following through on) things that drastically shake up our status quo (and are at least a little uncomfortable) are a tried and true way to break through whatever it is that’s holding you back. Holding you back in the world of “fine” while you continue to struggle underneath. When you shake up any part of your life or business in a big way, it translates into other areas. It becomes the spark that lights the fire of change, if you need a cheesy analogy. It pushes you to new levels across the board that you’ve previously only thought about.

Here’s the offer. If enough is enough, I invite you to join me for something I’m doing this year to shake up my own status quo. 

We’re forming team #NoMatterWhat right now to ride 110 miles of the Triple Bypass on August 21,2021: a road bike ride from Evergreen, CO to Vail, CO USA, going through 3 mountain passes for a total of about 10,000 feet (2 miles) of vertical climbing. Insane? Sure it is. But it’s exactly “insane” things like this that will get you up and out of whatever brand of “fine” you’re stuck in. You can register and learn more about it here (https://www.triplebypass.org/registration). Of course, when you register, register with team #NoMatterWhat. I’ll be doing bi-weekly training check-ins with the team to make sure you’re supported with everything you need. 

We’ll be talking about this bike ride and when enough is enough in the #NoMatterWhat Community on Facebook. If you have questions, aren’t sure if you can do it, or have anything else you want to talk about, you can ask me there. 

Not a road bike rider? I wasn’t either and you don’t have to be. 

Maybe you’re out of state or out of the country? Great, we already have several people signed up from all over the world.

You’re not sure you can do it? Perfect. That means it’s working and we’re well on the way towards transformational change. 

Tell whatever reason you have for not joining to take a back seat and sign up. Get committed. Because just think about it for a minute, there’s no way for any person or  company to keep doing what they're doing and expect to have a breakthrough result. This is an opportunity to break out and turn tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow into today, right here, right now. The question is: Is enough finally enough? 


A Gang for Good


It’s Not Discipline That You’re Missing