Revitalizing morale and Overcoming adversity at mid-Continent Steel and Wire

About Mid-Continent Steel and Wire

Mid-Continent Steel and Wire is one of the top manufacturers of quality steel products relied upon by the construction, agriculture and manufacturing sectors. They provide a comprehensive mix of both products and support services. 


Uniting teams to grow with trust and possibility No Matter What

  • United a cross-functional team to focus on collective opportunity together versus blaming other departments for shortfalls. 

  • Shifted core awareness from justifying the status quo and avoiding necessary change to exploring new possibilities to overcome adversity. 

  • Illuminated blindspots of denial and survival mentalities to see greater potential and embrace a foundational growth mindset. 

  • Post-event reviews show trust and potential now overshadowing worry and fear. 

  • Key culture growth practices now instated into the organization to provide continuous improvement and performance.


Struggling with performance and morale

George Skarich, VP Sales and Marketing, called us after MCSW had one of their worst years following record growth. 

  • Market changes and competitive pressures yielded declining sales after record years. 

  • Political, economic and industry outlooks left a once growth-minded culture feeling defeated and helpless. 

  • Increasing performance pressure amidst adversity eroded teamwork and negatively emphasized regional and department differences.

As sales declined, and political and economic outlooks shifted, employee attitudes at the multinational company started to mimic its declining performance. 


Creating inner strength in challenging times

Sales Vice-President George Skarich wanted a speaker to inspire the team at the national sales event to move beyond pessimistic interpretations during challenging circumstances. 

We performed pre-research and interviews to specifically find where and why the growth-mindset had been lost. And then developed our programming to bring awareness to those areas with specific tools and inspiration to shift them. 

New behaviors are only as strong as their practices, so we left MCSW with a plan to keep growth-mindsets forward, even during breakdowns.

Amidst declining performance challenges, Sterling emerged as the key to revitalizing our organization,

shifting negative attitudes and uplifting the team

George Skarich | Vice President Sales and Marketing | Mid-Continent Steel and Wire

Our Methodology

Breakthrough cultures drive breakthrough performance. We’ve built a 12 week, 5-step process to identify and solve for root problems to deliver maximum impact before, during and after events.