Transforming company culture and building leadership at PeopleLink Group

About PeopleLink Group

Headquartered in South Bend, Indiana, Peoplelink Group serves clients across the United States by providing innovative and effective staffing solutions. Their focus is on collaborating with clients to add value to people, processes and performance.


Cemented organizational direction and built deeper engagement – No Matter What

  • 1-week post event, company-wide survey confirmed inspiration was lasting and actionable tools delivered were being consistently used. 

  • Reinforced leadership’s direction from other angles cementing the approach and rallying morale. 

  • Built a deep and personal sense of engagement with each attendee connected to their work.

  • Identified key growth priorities, secured individual commitments and eliminated known-excuses, together.


Growing amidst a volatile market and competitive pressures

Christophe Jeusse and his team needed to cement their direction amidst massive market challenges. They reached to address their challenges including: 

  • Lacked full buy-in on organization direction and priorities resulting in under engaged teams. 

  • Massively challenging market conditions including heavy competition, large seasonal demand swings and economic uncertainty. 

  • Losing opportunities due to passive approaches and reactions instead of proactive growth-seeking strategies.


Create value, challenge assumptions and build a growth-culture

We designed a keynote to support every-level of the organization to question assumptions. Stepping back to reconsider pre-existing beliefs and perspectives yields access to transformative ideas, approaches and actions. 

Coordinated with leadership, we delivered an interactive session that invited people to see themselves, their short falls and their opportunities in the stories of others. That was then built into follow-on content from the PeopleLink team. 

We then created a plan to reinforce and continue to explore those ideas to be built into the company culture and supported by additional content post-event. 


Since the keynote, there has been a noticeable rise in team engagement and ownership.

Sterling's message was highly engaging, feedback was very positive, and the event increased accountability and alignment. Since the keynote, there has been a noticeable rise in team engagement and ownership.


Our Methodology

Breakthrough cultures drive breakthrough performance. We’ve built a 12 week, 5-step process to identify and solve for root problems to deliver maximum impact before, during and after events.