Hunting Discomfort, #NoMatterWhat


The limiting factor in your results?

Not hard work, money, relationships, or even time.

The truth is…

What’s between you and your results is discomfort. Those other things are important, but that’s not what’s holding you back. To achieve breakthrough results in life and business, #NoMatterWhat… we must go after those things that make us uncomfortable. We must Hunt Discomfort. 

You might know these already, but bringing it back here with my audiobook finally coming out! There are 5 major discomforts that all humans deal with. And each discomfort has an antidote…

Discomfort of seeing reality clearly:

We don’t see “reality” we see a version of it colored by our own limiting beliefs. Good news… You can remove the life limiting lens. Consider what beliefs you have about yourself, others, your industry, or even the world at large that might be holding you back. One of my coaches recently told me: trying for new results with limiting beliefs is like trying to take off in a hot air balloon with ropes still connecting you to the ground. 

Discomfort of self-doubt:

That voice that might be in your head doubting yourself and everything you want to accomplish? That’s self-doubt. Important to understand what’s important to you, but severely limiting if you let it stop you. Instead, Get a Tattoo (commit in a way where there is no going back). Commitments can be scary, but they actually simplify life by taking options off the table. And the more you commit to things (even small things) and achieve them – the more capable and confident you’ll become. 

Discomfort of exposure:

It can be terrifying to be vulnerable, potentially failing or looking bad isn’t on my list of things to do when I get up in the morning. But those fears can block you for achieving your goals. I suggest you Build a Street Gang (surround yourself with people more committed to your success than your comfort). Working effectively with people around you can make you 95% (95%!) more likely to achieve your goal.

Discomfort of challenges:

Limits on money, time, resources of any sort are things we all deal with. We can view challenges as a reason to stop. Or, we can Flip It and find a strength in a problem or weakness. It’s always there, it usually just takes a little effort to find it.

Discomfort of the unknown:

When you’re fighting, frustrated and resisting something, it makes it very hard and maybe even impossible to do much else. It’s time to Surrender (accept things exactly as they are and exactly as they are not). Surrendering frees you to see new perspectives and lets discomfort move through you – leaving you forever free of it.

Working through this system has created results for people and companies the world over. All cataloged in my book, Hunting Discomfort. And guess what? The audiobook version is finally available this week on all platforms! If you’re wondering, yes, I’m the narrator. You don’t want to know how many hours I spent in the recording studio (aka my closet) to get this out. Check it out here and if you enjoy it, please leave a review! 

Discomfort might be uncomfortable (by definition?), but it doesn’t have to stop us. It can be the pathway to breakthrough results in life and business.

You probably guessed it… #NoMatterWhat you’re dealing with.

Here’s to hunting it. Ready… Set… Hunt…


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