No Matter What in 3 Questions

#NoMatterWhat is a System of Growth

…but it’s also a simple way to approach anything. You don’t have to be victimized by outside factors, stopped by self doubt or restrained by limiting beliefs. You can move forward regardless of the circumstances by asking yourself these three questions…


What conflicting priorities, what self doubt, what fears do you need to set aside or reject altogether? Distinguish what’s in the way of your goal(s) so you can get it out of the way, #NoMatterWhat.


It might not be the goal itself, but ask yourself why that goal is meaningful to you and how it’s connected to your mission in life, #NoMatterWhat.


What are you going to do about it? What WILL you do, #NoMatterWhat?

A friend of mine is getting into speaking. In our conversation earlier, he had to first say no to his limiting beliefs about what was possible for him in this career. Then he started getting connected to what about speaking mattered to him, which was related to his childhood and upbringing. And finally, he set up what next step he needed to take to launch his own event. No. Matter. What. 

A company I’m working with has a goal to grow 30% this year in an established market that’s only growing by 3%. Their leadership team first had to get real about what self-doubt they needed to say no to. Not everyone thought growing at that rate was actually possible. We then re-presenced what their real mission was. Not what they had on their website, but why those aims actually mattered to them personally. And finally, we were able to get into what next steps they needed to take with their team. No. Matter. What. 

This isn’t just an exercise to see how many times I could fit #NoMatterWhat into a blog (bonus points if you can count them all). It’s an easy way to approach anything on a daily basis without getting too heady about it. 

Of course, the entire #NoMatterWhat System is necessary. You should approach growing your business and yourself by leveraging each of the 5 practices. But next time you’re faced with a decision, stuck or want to really create next level results – ask yourself those three questions: 

What are you saying no to?

What about this really matters?

What will I do next?

No. Matter. What. 


Results Don’t Change Until Beliefs Do


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