Your Life Mission (Should You Have the Courage to Accept it)


What’s most important to you? Not in the superficial sense of the question – but literally what’s most important to you in your life? Your personal mission, your calling, your raison d'être. Have you ever thought about that? It’s that essence that is our duty to align our lives to (and of course, business is included in that). It’s a mission, a life mission, that spans your personal life, professional life, your life period. 

You most likely already know what’s important to you. From my experience in working with thousands of leaders throughout the world that – when pressed, people know what’s most important. They inevitably come back to things like: connection. Love. Inspiration. Courage. Things that seem to get lost through the daily hustle and bustle for many. Have you noticed that? I know that’s certainly the case for myself.

It’s so easy to get lost in daily activity or what’s required to do. The calls, meetings, appointments, etc. etc. etc. seem to be never ending! And in that maelstrom of phone calls we lose track that what’s most important is connection. In the vortex of sales metrics we forget it’s really about contribution. I find myself sometimes so lost in the busy-ness (i.e. “business”) that I totally disconnect from my life being about courage…. 

When you distinguish what’s most important to you, you’re no longer victimized by the world. You align yourself with things that #NoMatterWhat happens – can never be taken away from you. Things like: Love. Joy. Gratitude. And Peace. It’s this alignment that transcends the reasons and excuses because it is 100% on you. The trick is, you must be able to articulate it in order to live true to it. (Pro tip, make sure you have your Street Gang aligned with you, too). 

Join me in the #NoMatterWhat Community to share your life mission. And hear from others. I’m always moved by the inspiration, love, courage, and connection driving this community. It’s a connection to that life mission that keeps this group producing results, regardless of the circumstances in the world. 

The gap between what’s most important to you and how aligned you are with it will determine what regrets you’ll have in your life. Aligning to that life mission will yield a fulfilling, meaningful and purposeful life. And don’t forget – it’ll also be full of the results you want. It’s a life that becomes unstoppable in your living of it. That’s what I’m here for and I hope you’ll join me.

PS: Your personal mission should be aligned with your business’s mission (whether it’s your business or a business you work for). Otherwise, you’re setting yourself up for circumstantial results, empty paychecks and even burnout. More on that later…


The Keys to Kellogg’s #NoMatterWhat Culture During a Time of Change


The 4 Kinds of Support you Need to Grow (#NoMatterWhat)