The Growth Hub
Ideas, tools, support and inspiration to realize your goals, purpose and potential, No Matter What
Your Life Mission (Should You Have the Courage to Accept it)
What’s most important to you? It’s that essence that I think is our duty to align our lives to. Aligning to that life mission #NoMatterWhat, will yield a fulfilling, meaningful and purposeful life. The gap between what’s most important to you and how aligned you are with it will determine both your results and your regrets.
The 4 Kinds of Support you Need to Grow (#NoMatterWhat)
Growth isn’t magic. Whether we’re talking about personal growth, professional growth, company growth or anything else, it happens with the support of others. And there are four key roles you need filled in order to grow.
A Gang for Good
In 1986, Dolores Mission Church was notable only in all the ways a parish wouldn’t want to be notable. They were the poorest Catholic church in Los Angeles. They included some…