Avoiding Discomfort Means Living with It

“I have enough discomfort in my life!”

Whenever I introduce the concept of ‘Hunting Discomfort’ there is always someone who initially bristles at the concept and insists they don’t have to hunt discomfort, they’re already surrounded by it, thank you very much! 

And it’s true.

Whether it’s difficult relationships, business challenges or health issues – we all have discomfort in our lives without having to go out looking for it. Usually so much discomfort that priority number one is just getting some relief, not looking for more. 

Here’s the harsh reality: you’re not dealing with your discomfort. If you have that much discomfort coming at you, that means on some level (or every level) you’re trying to avoid or just live with it, rather than turn directly towards it and do something about it – which, by the way, is part of what it means to hunt discomfort

If we don’t turn inwards and deal with our current discomforts then we’re accepting a life-time sentence of living with them. 

What does it look like?

This looks like delaying the tough conversation, putting up with jobs we don’t like, or struggling to make ends meet. You’ve probably heard the saying, “Better the Devil you know…?” Well, here it is. Most of us prefer (or get comfortable with) the particular discomfort we know rather than face up to challenge our discomfort of the unknown (doing something about it). 

Avoiding, delaying, and turning away from discomfort leaves you with the same results you’ve always had. And likely the same complaints about them: “I don’t have enough money”, “There aren’t enough hours in the day!”, “If I just had “X” then everything would be ok.” 

Right now, especially as we work towards closing out another year, I invite you to do something about the discomfort you’ve been living with. To put an end to the complaints and excuses and get done what it is that needs to be handled.

Tell me what you’re up to HERE and I’ll send you support to get there using the 5 steps of #NoMatterWhat


Too much discomfort is debilitating. I wouldn’t argue that that’s very valid. We all need a break (and should take one) from discomfort from time to time. But even better, take the time to reflect on what you need to handle that you desperately need a break from.

There is always a breakthrough on the other side of discomfort. You just have to hunt the discomfort to get there.


11 Ways to Live #NoMatterWhat in 2022


Find Inspiration to End the Year. Not Just Motivation.