11 Ways to Live #NoMatterWhat in 2022

New year. New goals. New opportunities.

Welcome to 2022.

What separates the high-achievers that actually reach what they strive for from those that don’t? Even in the face of assuredly new challenges, limits and obstacles… 

I’ll tell you – they do it #NoMatterWhat. Circumstances be damned. To kick this year off, here are 11 ways to live a #NoMatterWhat life in 2022 and beyond. 11 ways to help you achieve, no matter what stands in your way.

  1. Push your comfort zone. You already have the results your comfort zone produces. That’s so last year. Time to step up, lean in and confront the discomfort that growth naturally brings. 

  2. Commit. “It doesn’t take anything to hope” says Richard Condon, Principle at the development company, Mission B. Commitment is the tether to your results; it keeps you going when you don’t want to. Commit with words, with money, with passion or with consequence. But commit. 

  3. Tighten up your Gang. Everyone has heard the idiom that we become the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with. But, have you heeded the saying’s advice? Make sure you want to be like the 5 people you’re closest to, as they’re key contributors to your success (or detractors from it). 

  4. Seek Challenges. Those without challenges are either dead or not pushing hard enough. Push your limits, find what stands in the way. Challenges are a portal to results that are new for you, or maybe even new for the world.

  5. Get Curious. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it’s decidedly different for us humans. Being curious about how you’re looking at something, why problems come up or even how you’re supposed to solve something will leave you with the unlimited resources of creativity, imagination and inventiveness. 

  6. Practice Gratitude. 2021 was another tough year for many people and businesses.. If you’re reading this, here’s the good news: you made it. Be grateful for what you’ve accomplished, who you’ve become, and those around you that made it all possible. 

  7. Give. Orison Swett Marden, American author and founder of SUCCESS magazine, said that “we must give more in order to get more. It is the generous giving of ourselves that produces the generous harvest.” If we want to go to the next level, consider giving at the next level as well. Ultimately, it will be how you get there. 

  8. Step into Inspiration. Imagine what you would feel like if you accomplished all your goals this year. You did it all! Now, bring that feeling with you each step of the way. Passion begets passion and when you bring that inspiration with you it’ll be contagious. 

  9. Be Real. Enough with the facade, authenticity wins in the long term every time. Stand for who you are, what you want, what you value and what you ultimately want to achieve. Without a stand for what you really want, there’s no chance to ever get there. 

  10. Let go. Everyone knows you can’t pry open a flower bud. You can’t dig up your crops every day to check the roots and expect them to grow. Sometimes, we need to sit back and let go. You never can predict with 100% accuracy what’s on the other side. 

  11. Do it all #NoMatterWhat. These days there are plenty of excuses to draw on: not enough time, not enough money, not the right moment, not the right boss, and of course, it’s a pandemic! All those things may be true. And at the same time you have a choice. You can choose to have excuses or you can choose to have results. You get results when you do it all #NoMatterWhat.


You Have Your Goals, Now Here Are 3 Ways to Commit


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