Create Your 2024 Standards, Goals Will Follow

It’s time to reframe goal setting as we sit on the edge of 2024.

You already know that only a few percent of New Year resolution goals are achieved. But those low numbers don’t leave me in the anti-resolution camp. I think we can use the energy and momentum around us in the New Year to progress. But instead of only thinking about goals, let’s shift to establishing standards – #NoMatterWhat standards – that will inherently guide us toward our aspirations. 

We talked last week about closing out 2023 before taking on the New Year. Completion precedes creation. But from there, I don’t suggest just jumping to goals – which seems to be the natural inclination. Things like losing 15 pounds or doubling sales. Goals alone leave us trying to discipline ourselves to success. They’re often disconnected from how we operate, are rarely achievable and almost never sustainable. 

Instead of goals – connect to the standard that you value, one that’s likely driving those goals. For example, it’s not losing 15 pounds, it’s probably valuing health or esthetics that’s ultimately the standard. It’s not growing your sales by 2x, there’s a value of impact.

That’s the easy part.

The harder part? 

Live by those standards.

Work by those standards.

And speak by those standards.

Articulating a standard and consistently working towards living true to it leaves specific goals as the outcome. Getting back to our example, if your standard is impact, a goal like increasing sales, strengthening client retention or growing your team become milestones in living up to that standard. 

Every choice you make can then be guided by those standards. Standards are the bedrock of our actions. They’re a reflection of what we value. And if we don’t know what our standards are – they’re probably not working in our favor (little insight into why only having goals doesn’t work so well). True for us individually. And also true for companies. 

Taking a stand for standards help us break our own rules – our automatic ways of thinking, being and acting – to become something greater. Key in this though is self-reflection. Mindfully and regularly assessing how well your actions align with your standards.

Are you living up to what you’ve set for yourself?

Is what you say you value aligned with how you act?

And if not, don’t feel bad.

Do the hard work to shift it. This might sound harsh, but it’s true: anything else is an excuse. 

I do a lot of reflection and evaluation myself on a regular basis, but especially around the New Year. I’ve been working with my team to create this worksheet.

On the front: exercises to complete the past.

And on the back: steps to create standards and goals you’d like to meet along the way. Check it out and let me know how you’re making out with it. Always here to support. 

I’m fired up for the New Year and I hope you are, too! Let’s use the momentum of moving into 2024 to create standards that align ourselves with who we want to be. And those standards will be the guiding light that lead us to our goals. It’s not just about chasing targets, but living a life that’s true to who we are and what we believe in.

Here’s to your 2024 standards setting the stage for your greatest year yet! 

Key idea: Sustainable success is driven by standards

Takeaway: Take a stand for standards 


Start 2024 Here.


3 Questions to Ask Before You Close Out 2023