3 Questions to Ask Before You Close Out 2023

Completion precedes creation.

And as we start thinking about 2024 and all the goals, dreams and aspirations to come, stepping into that future requires completing the past.

Cleaning out the closets, literally and figuratively, and letting go of what no longer serves us: unfinished tasks, outdated beliefs and unnecessary baggage.

Reflecting and decluttering creates space to approach the New Year with clarity, focus and renewed energy to set a strong foundation for personal and professional growth in the upcoming year.

Here are three questions I’ve used with myself and clients to complete the year and powerfully create what’s next. 

What’s Incomplete?

Leaping forward requires addressing what’s pending.

Are there projects half-done, conversations you’ve been avoiding, or goals that slipped through the cracks? Now is the time to tie up those loose ends. Completing these tasks provides closure and a sense of accomplishment that paves the way for something new. 

What might need to be revisited to be released?

As part of clearing out, take time to revisit your experiences over the past year.

Acknowledge your journey, the highs and the lows. Then consciously decide to release what no longer serves you. This could be anything from old grudges to outdated self-perceptions, from hurtful patterns to damaging relationships. Releasing is a powerful act that allows you to move forward unburdened.

What needs to be decluttered?

And I’m not just talking about a cleaner workspace. It’s about creating an environment that fosters clarity and creativity.

Go through your physical (and digital) space and ask yourself: Does this serve a purpose? Check in with your major relationships and ask: Is this serving me? And even review some of those repetitive thoughts and ask: How can I resolve this? Just like plants thrive when they’re pruned, decluttering frees up space for new growth. 

If you noticed a theme of letting go here, you’re right. Letting go of whatever doesn’t serve you. Do this work yourself, with a friend or co-worker or even with me directly. I’m now on Intro.co and we can spend some time 1:1. What matters is that you do the work in some shape or form. 

Clearing out the past and finishing up our backlogs sets the stage for a powerful start to the New Year. It’s about creating the space – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual – to welcome new opportunities, challenges, and new results. As we prepare to say goodbye to this year, let’s do so with a sense of completion and readiness for the exciting journey ahead.

2024 will only start as a blank canvas if you clear the space before you begin planning. Let’s do the necessary work to clear out the old and start anew, together.


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