Don’t just make a resolution. Create a #NoMatterWhat.


Are you ready to start 2023 off strong with new health goals, relationship goals, team goals, wealth goals, growth goals? … There’s hope in the air this time of year for new results and it feels good, doesn’t it? Hope that a new, transformative, and significant positive gain is possible in the year ahead.

It’s not just hope; those things are possible and achievable. Having seen countless people all over the world dramatically impact their business and personal life, I can tell you first hand that it’s possible! But, as we all have experienced, come later January, early February… hope of achieving them starts to fade. Circumstances take hold. Excuses may overshadow commitment…And those goals that once inspired us slowly slip into the background only to re-emerge as something to achieve or aspire to next New Years. How many times have you been there before? Me? More times that I can count.  

This year, don’t make a resolution.

Create a #NoMatterWhat.

Lean into the commitment, the community and the system that’s specially designed and proven to drive your results regardless of the circumstances. It’s going to be the infrastructure to carry you through the inevitable periods of challenge, struggle and even outright hopelessness. Trust me, I know personally how it can sometimes feel outright hopeless. 

Creating your #NoMatterWhat is simple. You first declare it, right here. You write down what it is specially that you’re committed to doing, achieving or being. 

Before I go further, did you skip that part?

Did you tell yourself you’ll do it later, have to think about it, will just think of a goal and keep it in mind? Those are the discomfort defaults standing in the way of your goals. Don’t let them stop you (again). Declare what you’re committed to in no uncertain terms. 

Next, make sure you’re surrounded by people that are going to support you, push you and hold you accountable. Latest research is that when you’re personally accountable, you’re not 60%, 70% 80% or even 90% more likely to achieve those goals. You’re 95% more likely to achieve them! You need that outside accountability. If you actually really want to achieve them, anyway.

That’s what the #NoMatterWhat Community is about.

Join the many that have:

  • Doubled, tripled and even quadrupled their business or division’s results

  • Found a little more peace in the ever-changing chaos of the world

  • Finished marathons, triathlons, or just picked up running for the first time

  • Had tough, but necessary, meaningful conversations with co-workers, community and even family

  • Committed to growth, #NoMatterWhat 

You can join us here via email. Here we are on Facebook. It’s in the Facebook group that you can find someone to work with to hold each other accountable if you don’t have someone already. And of course, I’m standing by if you need anything. 

The world has had enough empty resolutions, aspirations and plans. And I bet so have you. It’s time to take it up a level and create a #NoMatterWhat. It’s not easy, transformative new results never are. But you’re not in it alone.

We’re all driving for that emergent growth together, #NoMatterWhat.

Happy 2023!


Start 2023 saying: I WILL…


Your 2022 #NoMatterWhat Impact