Your 2022 #NoMatterWhat Impact

Impact isn’t easy, even during the best of times. And 2022 has been a rollercoaster at best for many. Inflation, looming depression, staffing and supply chain shortages, global instability – even a universal instability driven by rapid and relentless change is front and center for many of us. And yet, this is a community that is driving positive impact regardless of any of those circumstances. 

They’ve set the excuses aside and have taken steps towards their goals (and many have achieved them) #NoMatterWhat.

This year… 


Sean grew his advertising sales 140% from the year prior.

Melissa has lost 20 pounds on her way to the health she wants. 

Tim has finally started his company after thinking about it for years. 

Rishi hasn’t hit her sales goals yet, but she’s finally going after her fear of asking for the sale. 

(better late than never with this video – thanks for your patience everyone that contributed!)

This community is achieving new business goals, sales goals, performance goals, health goals, connection goals, life goals – in the face of the unknown and the uncomfortable. And it constantly inspires me!

2022 has seen the movement grow faster than ever. 

We’ve now reached over 300,000 audience members and The #NoMatterWhat Community is over 56,000 people!


Hunting Discomfort was published as a #1 new release! 


Extended Reach

We’re extending into the retail industry, financial services, manufacturing, healthcare, technology, travel, even hospitality and hotels. #NoMatterWhat is lighting a fire in just about every industry there is… 

Not because it’s easy.

It’s not.

But because some things are just hard, uncomfortable and even scary. And when we understand how to approach those things, work with them and start living true not to difficult circumstances, but what matters most in our business and life – new, transformative results will emerge #NoMatterWhat the situation is.

It just works. 


If you’re not part of the #NoMatterWhat Community yet, what are you waiting for? You can join our community email list, our community facebook group or DM for anything you need on any of the socials and I can get you pointed in the right direction. You’re not going to want to start 2023 without this group – check out some of the incredible things community members are up to

As we close out another year, I want you to know that I appreciate you. I appreciate all the support, sharing, posting and momentum – thank you for every bit of that. But I also appreciate all the tough things you’ve confronted – the fear, the anger, the embarrassment and the grief – to get the results you’re working towards. I’m right with you and I know how hard it is, even still. Thank you for that work that maybe nobody sees, but has the biggest impact of all. As always, I’ve got your back in it #NoMatterWhat. 

Let’s celebrate and close out 2022, together.

All the wins and all the losses.

The goals achieved and the goals missed. The things you have and the things you want. Celebrate all of it. 2023 won’t be easy either – but here’s to the results you want for your company, your team, your community, your family and even yourself – #NoMatterWhat. Let’s go! 


Don’t just make a resolution. Create a #NoMatterWhat.


Top 5 #NoMatterWhat Blogs of 2022