How Trust Transforms Discomfort into Growth

JULY 1, 2024

The more we can trust, the more we can grow. There’s a positive correlation between the amount of trust we have and the weight of discomfort we can handle and grow from. Trust is essential to overcoming the uncomfortable and uncertain because it provides the internal foundation needed to step forward. When you’ve cultivated trust, you believe in your capacity to navigate and endure any difficult situation ahead.



Hunting discomfort is not about masochistic approaches or adrenaline addiction – for that you need to find a different guy. 

Instead, it's about facing and overcoming fears, doubts and limiting beliefs to achieve genuine freedom. It's about confronting what you've been avoiding, acknowledging what needs to be handled, and moving beyond mere survival mode. Many current growth models miss the mark.

In one of my most popular blogs ever – What Growth Through Discomfort Actually Looks Like – we debunk the myth that growth increases the farther you step outside your comfort zone. This myth only serves to promote an unrealistic view of growth. Pushing too far beyond your comfort zone can be debilitating.

True growth exists within a balanced zone, like the sweet spot on a bell curve. It's not about pushing too far or staying too safe; it's about finding the perfect balance between fear and peace, discomfort and comfort, courage and self-doubt. In this zone, you may experience fear, anxiety and/or worry, but you're so action-oriented and willing to be on the edge that these feelings don't dominate your focus. This space heightens your creativity and purpose, and over time, it builds resilience, opens up new possibilities, and fosters transformational results. To check out the full bell curve or growth and signs within each zone, go here. 

Practiced over time, what was once uncomfortable becomes comfortable. Your performance sweet spot shifts to the right, allowing you to handle more change, challenge, and uncertainty.

But growing from discomfort DOES NOT happen just from being uncomfortable. It’s when we trust ourselves enough to open our minds to new ideas and soften our hearts to the pain, that we can actually grow from the discomfort we’re facing. 

There's a positive correlation between trust – in ourselves, our processes, and our potential – and the amount of discomfort we can handle. The more we trust personally and within our communities, the more we can grow from the discomfort. 

Trust is essential to overcoming discomfort because it provides the internal foundation for taking risks and facing uncertainties. When you’ve cultivated trust, you believe in your capacity to navigate and endure difficult situations. This belief allows you to step into discomfort knowing that you can handle whatever comes your way. 

Now, I’ve never been an advocate for living an uncomfortable life. But the truth is: there is no growth without discomfort. It’s part of life – and love it or hate it — it is. To navigate and transcend discomfort, we have a clear tool: trust.

Developing trust No Matter What. 

Key Idea

Trust transforms the uncomfortable and uncertain into growth. The more we can trust, the more we can grow. There’s a positive correlation between the amount of trust we have and the weight of discomfort we can handle and grow from. Trust is essential to overcoming the uncomfortable and uncertain because it provides the internal foundation needed to step forward. When you’ve cultivated trust, you believe in your capacity to navigate and endure any difficult situation ahead.



Build your Movement

Where are you facing the uncomfortable and uncertain? How can you cultivate the trust necessary to grow from it?




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