JUNE 24, 2024

There is no achievement in isolation. Nobody does it alone. If you want to perpetuate progress, create sustainable achievement — you need to sustain a collective. You don’t only need goals. Or willpower. You need this rich tapestry of people in all aspects of life. That’s what propels you forward — that’s what creates achievement. 

Think people before progress.


Nobody does it alone. Nobody. 

Newly launching SterlingHawkins.com I experienced this first hand. It wasn’t just about goals, although we had lots of them. It wasn’t just about willpower, although we had plenty of that too. What propelled us forward, what propels all of us forward, is having and working with a rich tapestry of people to support, collaborate and share. 

It might sound obvious. But I notice in many of the teams I work with, there’s an over indexing on individual high performance. Elevating each individual to the next level. While our individual performance is necessary, that approach overlooks a critical aspect of long-term success. Lasting achievement stems from sustaining a collective of people working together. It’s not just about being high performing people. It’s about being a high performing team. 

You know that I’m all about realizing our potential. And it’s easy to get caught up in it. But we have to remember to prioritize people before progress to ensure steps we take yield the greatest potential of the whole – not just the greatest potential of a single (or a few) individual(s). This is what yields high performing cultures.

The new brand launch wasn’t a solo endeavor by any means. It really was this incredible group of different people and companies that came together bringing unique skill sets, talents, ideas and perspectives around a vision. I’ve listed them below and have endless gratitude for their part in our work. Together, I’m really proud of what we’ve created. It wasn’t a solo journey. It was a collaborative effort. 

As important as sustaining results are. Sustaining a collective of people around us to support is even more important.

Again, nobody does it alone.

People come before progress. 

Thank you to our partners:

Strategy, coordination and integration: Haviland Hawkins

Core positioning, brand development and strategy: Sara Smith

Speaking reel, videography, narrative development: Matt Kranitz and team

Web copy and positioning: Upwardly, Trish Snyder 

Brand design: 5 Lakes Design, Kendra Cagle 

Website: GoLive

Social video content: Cicospace

Launch strategy & marketing: SpeakrBrand

Key Idea

People come before progress. There is no achievement in isolation. Nobody does it alone. If you want to perpetuate progress, create sustainable achievement — you need to sustain a collective. You don’t only need goals. Or willpower. You need this rich tapestry of people in all aspects of life. That’s what propels you forward — that’s what creates achievement.


Think people before progress.

Build your Movement

When was the last time you sat down with someone and shared your vision or goals and asked for support? Who might you be able to have a conversation like that with?




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