The discomfort that stops me…

Discomfort still sometimes stops me. That’s right. Even after about a decade of hunting discomfort of my own, countless hours researching, studying it and working with clients, I’m never surprised to see discomfort rear its head in my life. It’s part of the game.

And it’s the same for me as it is with everyone else… Through every new level of discomfort I push through, I see greater results in business, greater connection with those around me and greater freedom for myself in the world. It’s a hunt that bears fruit along the way. To this day though, the discomfort that stops me the most? 

The discomfort of uncertainty. It’s the discomfort that underlines everything. No matter how much I plan, prepare and predict what’s coming next, coming to terms with the fact that tomorrow isn’t promised to me (or any of us) at any level is something I continually bump into. Here’s the two places I notice it… and tell me if you can relate. 

I know I need to change, I just don’t like doing it. 

I like who I am. My business is doing really well. And I’m happy with the impact I’m making in the world for my clients and the companies they run. Part of me wants to just leave it be. I just want to be done with changing things already! Sometimes that might be the answer, but just because I’d like to be done changing doesn’t mean the world is. Everything around me is changing whether I like it or not. Relationships change. Client expectations change. Even the value of money changes (hello, inflation). Just because I’m familiar with the current situation I am in, doesn’t mean it’s less risky than an alternative. It just means I know it better. The fact remains: I need to continue to change just to keep up, not to mention continue to produce breakthrough results. Things that I’m in the process of going through the discomfort of changing now…  

  • Changing my speaker reel (check it out here if you’re interested to see what we’ve done).

  • My exercise and diet regimen from purely physique focused to something that’s more holistic wellness.

Surrendering resources, when there’s no guarantee of any result… 

I’ve never been a big gambler… I just like a sure thing, especially if there are any significant resources on the line. Before I spend dollars, hours, or anything else, I want to know what I’m going to get back from it. But as much diligence as I put into anything, it doesn’t guarantee the result. Olympic-level athletes sacrifice a lifetime of training with no promises that they’ll even make it to the Olympics (and many don’t). Many entrepreneurs sacrifice their retirement accounts with no promises that their business will be a success. And we must sacrifice what it takes merely for the prospect of whatever it is we want to achieve. Giving up those resources, and more so giving up my resistance to giving up those resources, just takes something for me. And I’m in the middle of doing it right now… 

  • Launching my new book (maybe you’ve heard, ha!). The book has taken a massive amount of time, money and effort from me and from many. Sure, the prospect of sharing the book with many of my business or keynote clients is a good one, but it isn’t promised. To me, this felt like a step I had to take, a discomfort I had to go through. After-all, all new results for me and for anyone are on the other side of the unknown. 

Just so it’s clear, I still meet all varieties of discomfort, uncertainty is just the one that usually rises to the top. To keep it in check, I practice gratitude daily. Merely thinking or writing what I’m grateful for isn’t enough for me. It keeps it too conceptual. I actually speak out loud 3 things I’m grateful for every day before I call it a night. That has the powerful effect of grounding me in the present and connecting me to what is – exactly how it is. Over time (and it does take time) I notice this discomfort of the unknown and uncertain starts to lessen… 

Do you know what discomfort is between you and the results you want to achieve? It’s oftentimes elusive since many of us unconsciously build our lives and businesses around avoiding it… Self-doubt, fear of exposure, challenges… If you haven’t taken the Hunting Discomfort Quiz to see what’s stopping you from breakthrough results, make sure you check it out here. Doesn’t cost anything and it will give you some direction on how to free yourself from the discomfort that’s in your way. And bonus points if you share your results…and if that feels uncomfortable… that’s the fear of exposure you’re facing :). 


The most important thing I’ve learned in 14,609 days


From Burned out Job to Breakthrough Career (and more)