Top 5 #NoMatterWhat Blogs of 2022

There are 5 blogs that you absolutely cannot miss this year. I know, I know… you’re overwhelmed with holiday shopping, end of year deadlines, endless to-do lists. And I promise you – each of these few minute reads will be more than worth your time (and will probably help with that overwhelming feeling…)

These blogs are far and away the most popular of 2022. And incidentally, they’re my favorite blogs as well. Give yourself an early holiday present of a few minutes to dive in. You’ll be glad you did. 

Discover what discomfort is stopping you

There’s one thing between you and the results you want – be it a higher functioning team, more leadership, more money or just more joy and happiness – you know what it is? That’s right, discomfort. And no matter how hard you grind, push or try, unless you hunt that discomfort you’ll never be able to achieve what it is you want to achieve on the other side of it. So the million dollar question is, what discomfort is stopping you? Well, you’re in luck. We created a 15 question quiz to get to the bottom of it for you. And just as important, giving you the best step to take to push through it to the other side. 

While personal growth and company growth look very different on the surface, underneath they’re very similar; people have to grow for companies to grow.

The most common models of personal growth out there seem to be a bit misleading.

Or, at the very least, incomplete. 


A moment in time to slow down, reflect, recalibrate, even reset back to what really matters. Really matters to your clients, your business, your community, your family and yourself. When was the last time you took a real pause? I took a big pause earlier this year. No power. No internet. No running water. No talking. And some days, no food or water deep in the jungles of the Amazon.

I thought I was going to the Amazon jungle to see what lessons I could pull out of it. After calling a small tambo (jungle hut) home for a few weeks in Eastern Peru, I found out it was really more about what lessons the jungle pulled out of me.

The jungle has a way of twisting your mind and bending your soul to pull out of you an ageless wisdom that the jungle has forever known but many of us who live in relative comfort have simply forgotten. 

In having written the book on discomfort, here are the 5 myths I hear most that I can clear up for you right now, all packed into a few minute read… Don’t let believing the myths about discomfort stand in your way any longer. Here’s to myth-busting.

Here’s to your results. And here’s to hunting discomfort, together. #NoMatterWhat. 


Your 2022 #NoMatterWhat Impact


Top 10 #NoMatterWhat Podcasts of 2022