7 Words to Erase for Growth #NoMatterWhat

Transform Your Communication: Eliminating 7 Limiting Words for Personal and Organizational Growth

Words have weight.

As easy as they may come, they really do mean something. And every word you choose impacts you directly, your team's morale, stakeholder relationships, and ultimately, your organization's success. That said, there are some words that aren’t serving you and those around you, diminishing your message and weakening your impact.

Here are 7 words to erase from your vocabulary for greater growth. 


1. "Impossible"

Replace with "challenging" or "difficult" unless it’s proven by the laws of physics to be impossible. As a leader, you either inspire growth or share resistance to change. Up to you. 


2. “Can’t”:

See above. Defeat starts in language. If “can’t” is a function of physical impossibility, it’s appropriate. Otherwise, it’s just an excuse or a placeholder for something like: “I don’t feel like it”. Fuel problem-solving and determination with "unable at the moment", "let's figure out a way”, or simply, “no”. 


3. "Always" and "Never":

Is it really always or never? Because I notice these words coming up when I’m frustrated and they’re rarely true. Generalities like this don’t serve your thinking or your speech. Be specific and accurate instead.


4. "Should":

Add to this, could, wish, want… Any of them impose expectations without action. Recommend.. Suggest…. Will… But forget “should”.  


5. "Maybe":

The world is confusing enough, don’t you think? If you have a chance to eliminate ambiguity, I suggest you get after it. 


6. "Try":

Commit to action or don’t. The outcome is separate. "I'll try" implies doubt, uncertainty and fear. Say "I will" or (just as powerfully) “I will not”. 


7. "Blame":

Blaming anything or anyone isn’t helpful. Even if it’s valid, look for how you can take ownership / responsibility and take action. Blame is usually just an easy excuse. 


You want to grow?

Change your words.

And having people around us to support the language we’re using helps. If you’re not with me in the #NoMatterWhat Community, I don’t know what you’re waiting for. Share your results, challenges, hopes, dreams and aspirations and if you need it, the community can even be an accountability partner for this kind of work. 

Your words shape your views, your world and the culture of those around you. By eliminating these words from your vocabulary, you can foster more effective communication, inspire your teams, and lead with more clarity and precision. Communication is the cornerstone of understanding, developing perspectives and leadership.

The words you choose matter.

Do yourself and your results a favor and skip these 7 words. I invite you to report back with your results. 


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