The Growth Hub

Ideas, tools, support and inspiration to realize your goals, purpose and potential, No Matter What

Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

The Box-Ticking Illusion

Ticking off “the boxes” must be one of the most alluring paths for leaders, and one of the biggest pitfalls. It’s so alluring because it promises a systematic approach to predictability, safety and control – but that promise is empty. The real work, the kind that actually sustains and accelerates growth, lies beyond the comfort of checklists and conventional wisdom. It starts with setting aside the way that may look right and instead doing what’s right: asking the hard questions, the uncomfortable questions, the questions that may not have “right” answers at all.

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

7 Words to Erase for Growth #NoMatterWhat

Words have weight. As easy as they may come, they really do mean something. And every word you choose impacts you directly, your team's morale, stakeholder relationships, and ultimately, your organization's success. That said, there are some words that aren’t serving you and those around you, diminishing your message and weakening your impact. Here are 6 words to erase from your vocabulary for greater growth.

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Are Your Goals Big Enough? (and not in the way you might think)

You want the jobs done, the goals hit and the objectives accomplished – but might you be thinking too small to get there? And it’s not a matter of taking a $1 million goal and making it $10 million or $100 million… Your goals might not be big enough in another way.

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