What’s driving you is defining you: Is it Fear or Growth?

Fear is winning as record numbers of people worldwide believe the future will only be worse than today, reported by Edelman. The economic uncertainty, global instability, AI disruption and rapid change everywhere we turn is leaving people feeling scared, powerless and lost. Unaddressed, our fears can’t help but stall personal progress and business growth. And while moving away from fears towards growth might seem like a linear path leading to similar outcomes, they actually diverge towards fundamentally different places.

Fear is an instinctive response, a protective mechanism that signals danger, risk, or potential for pain. While it can serve as a valuable alert system, fear has become ingrained in many people and organizations becoming a barrier to growth when it dictates decisions. Moving away from fear and perceived worries about the future typically involves avoidance strategies—choosing safety, comfort, and the known over the uncertain and new. This path is inherently reactive; it's about escaping perceived threats rather than pursuing desired outcomes. It may offer temporary relief or security, but it limits exposure to new experiences and learning opportunities, often leading to stagnation. 

Moving toward growth is something else entirely: A proactive choice.

It involves recognizing potential value and growth in the seemingly chaotic world by making deliberate decisions to embrace the unknown and the uncomfortable. This path is driven by curiosity, ambition, and the desire for expansion. It requires courage to face potential failures and resilience to overcome obstacles. Unlike the fear-driven path, which seeks to minimize loss or discomfort, the growth-driven path maximizes learning and opportunity. It opens the door to new experiences, skills, and perspectives, fostering personal and professional development.

While choosing to move away from fear may be reassuring since it often leads to a place of temporary safety and comfort, it's also a static place where you compromise your potential and results. Over time, the safety zone becomes smaller as the world evolves and we do not.

Moving toward growth propels us into a dynamic state of continuous expansion and learning. It's a place of constant movement, where each challenge faced and obstacle overcome builds resilience, confidence, and competence.

Here’s where it gets interesting… 

The dynamics of moving from fear versus moving towards growth operates on two distinct levels: the external and the internal.

Externally, a situation might present itself as a business growth opportunity—a chance for new results, innovation, or entry into new markets. However, the internal driver behind the pursuit of this growth opportunity is what matters. One person might approach it from a place of genuine excitement and a desire to grow, while another might be motivated by fear—fear of missing out, fear of becoming obsolete, or fear of failure in comparison to competitors.

It's not merely the external opportunity itself that determines the value and potential for growth, but the internal motivations driving the pursuit. A growth opportunity chased from a place of fear will not yield the same level of engagement, creativity, and resilience as one pursued with a vision of expansion and possibility. Our trust should not be placed in the external manifestations of a growth opportunity, but rather the internal drivers behind our actions. 

Aligning ourselves and our organizations to growth drivers such as curiosity, ambition and a willingness to embrace change and challenge ensures that our actions are conducive to growth rather than being reactionary measures constrained by fear. With the world more chaotic than ever and fear driving a generally negative outlook by many, checking in with what’s driving us is more important than ever. 

As we navigate through the complexities, chaos and fear of the world today, remember that the paths of fear and growth lead to vastly different destinations.

The choice is ours to make. Will we let fear confine us to the shadows of what could have been, or will we step into the light of what is possible by embracing growth?

If you’re on the path of growth with us you know it’s hard, but it is also rich with experiences, fulfillment and breakthroughs. It promises a future that’s not only different from today but far brighter and filled with greater potential for all of us.


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