You Have Your Goals, Now Here Are 3 Ways to Commit

If you want results, you have to commit. Even more important if you’re a leader (or want to be a leader). There just aren’t any ifs, ands or buts about it. When you commit in a way where there’s no going back, we call it “Getting a Tattoo”. When you get that tattoo (I’ll tell you more specifics below), it becomes leverage beyond yourself to keep you moving forward when you encounter times when it’s easier not to. 

As uncomfortable as it may be, Getting a Tattoo actually simplifies things. You no longer worry about all the options that came before. It’s a guaranteed way to get you unstuck from wherever you might be – in business, relationships, finances, or anything else – because it forces you to move.

Here are 3 ways to commit.

Get a Tattoo with words. The simplest way to Get a Tattoo is with your words. Speak or write what you’re committed to doing with enough specificity that it’s clear. The best way to do it goes like this: 

I WILL finally start my dream business this week!

I WILL run a marathon this fall! 

I WILL make that cold call now!

I WILL (fill in the blank with your specific commitment and time-frame here)! Your choice what to put in the blank, but put something. 

Get a Tattoo with Money. Commitment goes beyond just words. It’s also what’s in your bank account. I’m not suggesting you pull your retirement account and invest it in a new venture (I’m also not suggesting not to do that), but you can Get a Tattoo with money.  

If you liquidate your savings account to start your new business, that’s committing with money. 

When you purchase a course to learn how to use a new accounting software, that’s committing with money.

If you buy plane tickets a year in advance for a Bahamas vacation, that’s committing with money, too. 

Get a Tattoo with Purpose. Friedrich Nietzsche said, “He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” The same can be said for commitment. If you’re connected to the larger purpose behind your commitment – or your “why” as Simon Sinek might say – then this will guide you as you move through figuring out “how.”

Getting a Tattoo with purpose is a heart-centered commitment. It could be grounded in the need for justice – social, political, or environmental – or it could be driven by the deep love of someone or something. Purpose is usually an influencing factor for most of our commitments, it becomes especially powerful when you distinguish it. 

These are just a few of the ways we have to Get a Tattoo and commit. Don’t be shy, you’re welcome to use a few at a time – they work even better together. 

If you want to be inspired, check out what hundreds from the #NoMatterWhat Community have been committing to. People from around the world have declared their goals (yes, that’s committing with words) in everything from business performance to health, from relationships to spirit. I’m moved every time I take a look. 

When you don’t commit, you’re adding more uncertainty and confusion into an already very uncertain world. Not good for your teams. And not good for you.

The way I see it, If you’re a leader, committing is the modern day’s equivalent of leading your army into battle – leading from the front. Putting yourself on the line for the results you want in the future.

Now, how are you going to commit? 



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