Growth, Resilience and Results: Top Blogs of 2023

2023 has been exhilarating and challenging.

A year where each of us, in our own ways, have navigated the complexities of a rapidly changing world – from global instability to economic uncertainty; from AI breakthroughs to post-pandemic breakdowns. No doubt we’ll have more in the year to come, but I’ve been taking a moment to reflect on what this year has been about.

For me and for all of us.

And I’ve found some of our top blogs of this year to be an interesting barometer for what’s resonating with how we deal with change. Below, revisit with me some of the most resonant and impactful blogs of the year, each a chapter in our shared story of growth and resilience. 


Personal growth and company growth look very different on the surface. But underneath, they’re very similar: people have to grow for companies to grow.

The most common models of personal growth out there seem to be a bit misleading. Or, at the very least, incomplete. 


There’s one daily ritual that, when done consistently, will radically transform your results. And it’ll take you less than 60 seconds. I know, you’re busy.

We all are.

Who has time for one more thing? Anyone that wants transformative results, that’s who. And it’s surprisingly easy.



A phrase that shuts down your potential, freezes your results and stops your progress in its tracks. It will rob you of what could be and leave you with the same old results you’ve always had – for your business or yourself. Setting this one phrase aside will be life-changing, business changing and transformative for whatever you’re focused on…


33% of people report feeling extreme stress. 77% percent of people experience stress that affects their physical health. 73% of people have stress that impacts their mental health.

Stress is running rampant.

With over-stress being proven to negatively impact energy, happiness and productivity… the question is what do we do about it? 


Growth isn’t magic. Whether we’re talking about personal growth, professional growth, company growth or anything else, it happens with the support of others. You want to build a group more committed to your growth than your feelings, more committed to your results than your reasons and more committed to your potential than anything else.


3 Questions to Ask Before You Close Out 2023


Cycle Breaking Before Change Making