5 Essential Questions for Breakthrough Results

SEPTEMBER 30, 2024

The right questions can turn confusion into clarity. They can move you from a state of predictable results to a state of exploration, growth and discovery. They open up pathways to see your position newly and create new, effective paths forward.

For breakthrough results, ask the provocative questions.


Three quarters of 2024 is behind us – can you believe it? Neither can I. Whether we’re ahead, behind, or exactly where we want to be, the key to next-level results isn't about finding immediate solutions, but rather asking ourselves the right questions.

Wrestling with difficult, and probably uncomfortable questions fuels our curiosity, propels us forward, and ultimately helps us navigate through our next steps. These questions challenge our perceptions, uncover limiting beliefs, and open up new pathways we might not have considered. Here are some powerful questions to ask yourself for breakthrough results to close out the year strong. 

1. What Am I Avoiding That I Know I Need to Be Doing?

Avoidance is a common response to tasks or decisions that feel overwhelming or uncomfortable. Deep down, we often know what needs to be done, but fear, procrastination, or uncertainty holds us back.

2. Where Am I Half In and Half Out?

Being indecisive or non-committal can keep you in a state of limbo. Whether it's a project, relationship, or personal goal, being "half in and half out" can prevent progress.

3. Who Can Hold Me Accountable for My Next Step?

Accountability is a powerful tool to move us ahead. Sharing your goals with someone that can hold you personally accountable will help keep you in action. 

4. What Assumptions Can I Question?

Our assumptions can limit our perspective and keep results plateaued. Challenging these beliefs can reveal new opportunities and solutions.

5. What Am I Resisting?

Resistance usually is a sign of a growth opportunity. It might be fear of failure, change, or stepping out of your comfort zone.

Wrestling with tough questions is the antidote to stagnation. These questions are designed to provoke your thinking, self discovery and ultimately progress. To break free of a rut or create breakthrough results – no matter where you are, these questions will take us all to the next level. 

Key Idea

Wrestling with tough questions is the antidote to stagnation. The right questions can turn confusion into clarity. They can move you from a state of predictable results to a state of exploration, growth and discovery. They open up pathways to see your position newly and create new, effective paths forward.


For breakthrough results, ask the provocative questions.

Build your Movement

What tough questions are you avoiding that would make a difference?




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