The Growth Hub

Ideas, tools, support and inspiration to realize your goals, purpose and potential, No Matter What

Content isn’t king. This is.

Content is information, ideas or materials shared. Context is the circumstantial, conditional and cultural framework that influences how that content is understood. The real worth is found not in the content itself, but in the context that shapes our understanding of it. Content isn’t king. Context is.

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Breaking Free From Being Stuck

Leaning out robs you from understanding the heart of your challenge, sentencing you to repeating it over and over again. Leaning in reveals what there really is to deal with, hard work that when addressed, forever frees you from the source of the challenge. Lean in for liberation. Leaning out will only keep you stuck.

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3 Powerful Words to Help Ourselves in Challenging Times

We don’t grow by denying the hard realities that we may be facing or trying to run away from them. That likely makes them worse and leaves us victimized by their effects. We grow by the presence to acknowledge and truly own our challenges.

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