In Tension, Find Intention

I had the President of a Fortune 500 company client inform me that:  

“Tension between the salesforce and leadership is normal.”

One is always bargaining with the other for more. The sales team wants more time and budget and leadership wants more sales. 

I’m not sure how I responded at the time, but that statement has really stuck with me. I’ve been reflecting on it and I think what he was saying is that tension, some give and take, is part of all human relationships. 

But it matters what we’re in tension about…

Tension isn’t optional in relationships – what is optional is the intention that has us in tension.

Are we in tension to validate our own perspective?

To take the easy route of only doing things the way we’ve already done them?

Or, to have a ready excuse? 

Or, are we in-tension to achieve a common aim we have together? 

I do think that the President was right, tension is normal, inescapable and inevitable in relationships. But it’s entirely up to us what we’re in tension over. 

When in-tension, our attention needs to be on intention.

Key Idea |

Tension isn’t optional in relationships – what is optional is the intention that has us in tension. 

Give and take is fundamental to any human relationship over time. Without clear intentions we can be left in-tension feeling like we’re against each other, but with them we can align our greater aims to grow, together. 

Takeaway |

When in-tension, our attention needs to be on intention.

Build your Movement |

What were you last in-tension about with someone? Tell yourself the truth, what was your real intention in that situation? Was it something for yourself or for the greater good of the aims you share?


The Breakthrough Pathway to Breakthroughs


Cutting Through the Noise