The Breakthrough Pathway to Breakthroughs

Our achievements aren't solely determined by how much we work, how hard we try, or how much we learn. These factors, while important, don't address the foundational shift where genuine growth occurs.

There was a couple who left the bustling city life for the tranquility of the countryside, so this story goes that one of my yoga teachers shared the other day. They purchased this charming farmhouse, envisioning a serene life connected to the outdoors. However, this idyllic dream was quickly disrupted by an unexpected concern.

From their new home, the wife noticed their neighbors and was appalled by the sight. The neighbor’s clothes, hanging out to dry, appeared grimy and neglected. Their house seemed engulfed in filth, and the family looked disheveled. Day after day, the scene remained unchanged, worsening even, and the wife grew increasingly distressed. This wasn't the pastoral life she had imagined.

Her obsession with the neighbor’s untidiness consumed her, to the point where she contemplated returning to the city. But then, something remarkable happened. One morning, she looked out the window and was stunned to see a transformation. Everything was immaculate—the laundry, the house, even the neighbors themselves looked pristine.

Excited, she questioned her husband, wondering if he had intervened and talked to the neighbors. His reply revealed a profound truth: "I have no idea what happened. I didn't talk to them at all. I only got up early and washed our windows."

What we perceive is not the reality of others, but a reflection of our own biases and beliefs. It begs the question: What windows of perception do we need to clean? What outdated or obstructive beliefs are we holding onto?

Results don’t change until beliefs do.

Many of us cling to beliefs so deeply ingrained that we don't even recognize them as beliefs. They shape how we view ourselves, others, and the world around us. By challenging and updating these core beliefs, we unlock new ideas, pathways, and opportunities that lead to meaningful, transformative, and sustainable changes that far outperform working more, trying harder or any other tactic. 

Our results won't truly shift until our beliefs do. Addressing our core beliefs is the breakthrough pathway to breakthroughs. It's not just about changing what we do; it's about cleansing the windows through which we view the world. Let's wash the windows of our beliefs and watch a new world of results emerge.

Key Idea |

Results don’t change until beliefs do.

Shifting our beliefs will always out perform working more, trying harder or even learning new things because those approaches miss the place that results shift from. As you shift your beliefs, new ideas, pathways and opportunities emerge that create a meaningful, transformational and sustainable difference.

Takeaway |

Don’t just change your actions, change your beliefs.

Build your Movement |

What do you believe about yourself that you’ve maybe never questioned? Are those beliefs absolutely true or might something beyond them be possible?


Breaking the Confidence Misconception


In Tension, Find Intention