Want Results? Look for the Opposite.


To get the results you want, find the opposite… That’s right, to achieve what you want, you have to seek out, hunt down and embrace the opposite. And my money is on that it might be at least a little uncomfortable. True in your business and in your life. Let me show you what I mean. 

Normally, when we want something – we solely try to move towards it. Achieve it. Get it. The other day, a good friend of mine that I’ve taken many development courses with over the years shared this uncited idea with me: that for everything you want, it requires going through the opposite. But it landed so strongly I felt compelled to share it with you. Ok, here it is…

If you want to be rich, it requires saving money and going through the discomfort of feeling broke… 

If you want to have healthy relationships, it requires setting new internal boundaries and going through the discomfort of feeling like you’re alone… 

If you want to be physically strong, it requires working out hard and often, going through the discomfort of feeling weak. 

If you want to learn something new, it requires going through the discomfort of feeling unintelligent in the area that you’re learning.

If you want to be free of the pain from your past, it requires the discomfort of diving back into that pain to heal it from the source…

Notice the word I used: Not optional. Not probable. Not wanted. But required. Going through the discomfort of the opposite of what you want is required and nothing less. Your ability to attain the result you want is perfectly correlated with how willing you are to experience the opposite. Period (just for extra emphasis). 

If you’re not sure what the opposite of what you want to achieve is, DM me on instagram, facebook or linkedin. I’m happy to chime in with a few ideas and support however I can. We’re all on this ride together. 

While achieving the results we want might not be comfortable, it is very possible. It requires embracing the opposite. And then having the patience to trust the process…


The Three Discomfort Defaults in Your Way


Stop Snoozing Your Results