Why We Need to Practice Before We Preach – Kilimanjaro Bound

JULY 15, 2024

Practice before you preach. 

Preaching without practice is empty. It’s through practice that you develop perspective, depth, authenticity and trustworthiness because it’s grounded in actual experience.

Practice now. Preach later.


Talk is cheap. 

And preaching parroted language of growth from Youtube, Instagram or Google is even cheaper. Correct me if I’m wrong here, but I think we can all regurgitate the “right” answers to most situations for others, but how many of us actually put them to the test ourselves?

Preaching ideas and ideals won’t get us very far. The magic happens when we apply those ideas and ideals to ourselves and move from preaching to practice…

  • Walking the talk builds real, founded credibility. 

  • Personal experience provides deeper, detailed insights and a better understanding. 

  • Having been through similar challenges, you have relatable, authentic empathy for others on their way. 

  • Actions speak louder than words, so others can follow by demonstration, not direction. 

  • Practicing what you preach holds you accountable to your own standards. 

  • Not to mention that it’s in the practical application of thoughts that transformation happens. 

Once we practice, then we can share those ideas with others. We have to live it to give it. 

As much as I like sharing from the stage, it’s really the application of ideals and ideas that interests me – although you probably knew that already. I’ve never related to this idea of being a “thought leader” – a title I’ve begrudgingly accepted from the keynote speaking industry. I’d much rather be a “practice leader” – someone putting in the work, not just talking about it. 

As you’re reading this, my own practice continues. I’m in Tanzania, Africa climbing the tallest free-standing mountain (above water) in the world: Kilimanjaro. 19,341 feet / 5,895 meters.

I’ve been training (practicing) for months with our expedition leader @Jon Kedrowski climbing through the Rocky Mountains. I’ve been dialing in my equipment. And doing the real work of confronting my own fears, doubts and limiting beliefs about the endeavor. 

Yes, I’m nervous. Yes, I’m excited. And yes, I will give it my all. This journey we’re all on isn’t just about the words and it’s not just about the thinking. It’s about doing the work to practice what we preach in order to grow together. And perhaps along the way we discover more about ourselves, what we aspire to and live more deeply into our potential.

If you want to follow me, I’ll be relatively off grid, but you can see where I am via this Garmin beacon.

Follow our journey: https://share.garmin.com/sterlinghawkins Password: NoMatterWhat

And when I get to wifi, I’ll of course be sharing on Instagram. 

During the expedition I’ll be off the grid for a few weeks… The No Matter What Movement weekly newsletter will start back up mid-August as will everything else you see from us. If you need support or something urgently, you can write my team at hello@sterlinghawkins.com and we’ll make sure you have the answers or resources you need. 

Wishing you a great summer here in the northern hemisphere. A summer of resetting. A summer of recalibrating. And a summer of putting into practice what we preach. I’ll see you on the other side. 

Key Idea

We have to live it before we can give it. Practice before you preach. Preaching without practice is empty. It’s through practice that you develop perspective, depth, authenticity and trustworthiness because it’s grounded in actual experience. 


Practice now. Preach later.

Build your Movement

What is some sage advice you’ve given others that maybe you could use yourself?




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