The Growth Hub

Ideas, tools, support and inspiration to realize your goals, purpose and potential, No Matter What

Building Unshakable Goals

In a world that relentlessly pushes the narrative of goal-setting, vision crafting, and benchmarking as the ultimate roadmap to success, there's an essential, yet often overlooked, component that distinguishes the truly successful from those perpetually chasing their tails. Yes, having goals and objectives is crucial—they give us direction and make our aspirations tangible. However, there’s a nuanced layer beneath the surface that can significantly influence our ability to build and achieve these goals and sustain high levels of performance over time.

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Fear Indecision More Than Failure

: I’ve been thinking about this blog for 2 hours. How to frame the idea. What story to tell. Where the takeaways are. Another hour has gone by. And just now it hit me: the real choice isn't just between path A or path B; sometimes, it's the very act of choosing that's in question. Not choosing is, in itself, choosing ambiguity, stagnation and stalled results. Now I’m finally writing…

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