Give Up to Get Up

Imagine that within each of us lies an innate force, a compelling essence that naturally pulls us to ascend to great heights and the best versions of ourselves. What would that be like?

It might sound like a philosophical dream, but it’s more reality than we often realize. 

I found myself captivated by a friend’s videos from the enchanting landscape of Cappadocia, Turkey. The images are almost surreal: whimsical fairy chimneys, ancient, weathered landscape and more iconically, the sky dotted with a myriad of hot air balloons soaring into the dawn. It’s visually stunning. But metaphorically profound. 

Those balloons rise so effortlessly, gracefully and naturally. It was only human hands that temporarily kept them anchored to the ground, restraining their inherent tendency to rise. They can be emblematic of our own potential  journey of growth. 

Within each of us, there’s a powerful, innate force – a combination of our truest desires, deepest values and our most authentic selves. It’s a force that continually urges us forward, propelling us towards growth, potential realization. And just like the balloons, I believe it is our inherent nature to ascend and explore the vastness of our potential.

The question then becomes, what holds us back?

It seems especially relevant, particularly now, when we are several weeks into 2024. It’s about the time many are delaying their goals, giving up on “resolutions”, ignoring what they intended to achieve, coming up with reasons why the aspirations don’t make sense or are seemingly unachievable, at least in the short term.

What holds us back are the cables of circumstances. The knots of not knowing what could come. And the anchors of old patterns, processes and the status quo. 

Instead of relinquishing goals, rather, release the weight that prevents your ascent.

Challenge the way that you’ve always done things.

Disrupt assumptions.

Breakdown self doubt.

Give up what you no longer need to get up and commit to instigating real change.

Standing up to the status quo – of yourself, your community and your culture – to realize the potential you’re called to bring forth. 

In actively, intentionally and meaningfully pushing back against limiting beliefs and false-constraints, we find our catalyst for action, our inspiration to ascend. Just as hot air balloons rise in Cappadocia, once restraints are removed, we too will rise when we’re courageous enough to let go of what’s holding us back. 

Ask yourself: What is holding you back?

Identify it, confront it, commit to be free of it – and begin the process of letting it go so you can embrace the natural rise that will come.

The most beautiful part about this, at least that I’ve seen, is the elevation that happens, together. As we let go of the things that hold us back, it serves as inspiration and a dose of courage for those around us. Elevating our organization, our team and even those closest to us. Don’t underestimate the power of your natural ascent – it will take you farther, further, faster – but you have to give up to get up, first.


Embracing Mystery in a World of Certainty


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