The Growth Hub
Ideas, tools, support and inspiration to realize your goals, purpose and potential, No Matter What
2 Tools We All Need to Navigate Uncertainty
At a time when AI converses with us like friends, augmented reality changes how we see the world around us and computer-generated content blurs the line between fiction and reality, what can be trusted? The very senses we rely on to interpret and navigate our surroundings are under siege by technologies that can mimic, manipulate, and manufacture realities seemingly indistinguishable from the truth. We need to understand what’s real in our work and our lives to be able to take the right actions.
Take the Wheel
Reasons may be valid. But they don’t have to be an excuse for why we don’t have the results we want. Of course there are always reasons why things are the way they are, but it’s actually not the reasons that matter alone. It’s our response to them. Only once we take the wheel back from circumstances driving us can we steer towards our real goals.
Why Struggle is the Success
We’ve all struggled, but that capacity to struggle can be the defining factor of success and growth. Typically, we often opt for the easy route. Asking easy questions that usually yield comfortable, but superficial and impact-less answers. It turns out, that it’s the deeper, harder, more challenging questions – and our response to the struggle they entail – that truly catalyzes growth and learning. Up to 450% improvements in one case…
Top 9 Must Read Books
I’m asked after nearly every keynote what books I recommend. And there are many. Different people in different situations I recommend different books. But here are the top 9 books that have made a huge difference for me in my life and business through it all. And, I bet they’ll have a positive impact on you, too. Check them out here and let me know what you think. In no particular order…
Embracing Mystery in a World of Certainty
There are magical rubber duckies. You heard me right – they’re little yellow rubber duckies that have continued to magically show up – in the hundreds in every shape and size you could imagine – around my nieces. Big yellow ones, small pink ones, halloween ducks, and New Year ducks, ducks with mohawks and ducks dressed as other animals…
Give Up to Get Up
Imagine that within each of us lies an innate force, a compelling essence that naturally pulls us to ascend to great heights and the best versions of ourselves. What would that be like?It might sound like a philosophical dream, but it’s more reality than we often realize.