The Growth Hub

Ideas, tools, support and inspiration to realize your goals, purpose and potential, No Matter What

Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Leaving your Comfort Zone isn’t Enough

Growth requires leaving your comfort zone, sure. But that’s not enough. The truth is that there’s another equally important component that is often left out…

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

The most important thing I’ve learned in 14,609 days

14,609 days. That’s how long I’ve been on this planet and tomorrow is my 40th birthday. Hard to believe I’ve been alive that long. In that time I’ve learned a lot from many mentors, teachers and bad decisions. But one thing stands out as the most important.

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

39 Lessons in my 39 Years

There are 39 things that I’ve learned in my 39 years that have made a huge difference in my business and life. I just celebrated my birthday, now stepping into the last year of my 30s! (yes, I think worthy of an exclamation mark). Every year at about this time, I reflect on…

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