3 Powerful Words to Help Ourselves in Challenging Times


MAY 13, 2024

We don’t grow by denying the hard realities that we may be facing or trying to run away from them. That likely makes them worse and leaves us victimized by their effects. We grow by the presence to acknowledge and truly own our challenges.

Be here, right now, standing in all the good and all the challenge. Here, I am.


It’s tempting to bolt from challenges, isn’t it?

I shared some of the challenges I was facing last week and I can feel the urge to seek refuge in the familiar. Starting to wish things were a different way. But retreating doesn’t solve anything. It likely makes challenges worse. As I shared the other week, it’s important to support others by showing up for them during hard times. And it’s equally important that we show up for ourselves.

I can’t thank you enough for the many notes of support I received after sharing some of my struggles. I appreciate hearing from so many of you! It really has brought a lot of light. And at the same time it reminded me that we must not only champion each other, but also ourselves. Maybe you’ve felt it too, but when challenges mount the weight can sometimes feel crushing. Too much to bear. 

So I began by listing out every challenge I faced, acknowledging each one with a resolute declaration: Here, I am. 

This wasn’t about resignation, but ownership. Taking each of those things on and choosing my response with intention. 

Then I listed out all the positives. Each good thing I also met with: Here, I am.

By owning our entire experience – the highs and lows – we assimilate ourselves in a way that fosters growth. 

We extend a hand to others with: I am here. 

We fortify ourselves by affirming: Here, I am. 

I, like many of you, refuse to just survive and only get by to the next day. This movement is about taking all of life on, the good, the bad, the devastating and the inspiring, and using each experience and emotion as stepping stones for growth. By showing up fully and authentically for ourselves we can truly evolve. 

Here I am isn’t just a statement; it’s a declaration of our presence and power #NoMatterWhat we’re up against.

Key Idea

Fully owning challenges gives us the capacity to grow from them. We don’t grow by denying the hard realities that we may be facing or trying to run away from them. That likely makes them worse and leaves us victimized by their effects. We grow by the presence to acknowledge and truly own our challenges. 


Be here, right now, standing in all the good and all the challenge. Here, I am.

Build your Movement

What are all the things you're currently challenged by?

What are all the positive things happening for you?

How can you own all of it?


Breaking Free From Being Stuck


3 Powerful Words to Help Each Other in Challenging Times