Breaking the Confidence Misconception

What if true confidence comes from a place you didn’t expect?

I found myself looking in all the wrong places years ago.

Surveys show there’s a common belief that confidence comes from achieving a certain status, reaching a key milestone in a career or a benchmark in wealth – “if only we had different circumstances then we could be confident”.

But what if the source of true confidence lies elsewhere?

External achievements are great – but they’re a misguided quest for true confidence. They leave our “confidence” only as strong as our circumstances (which surprise, no surprise, will inevitably change). Many are striving for higher salaries, chasing prestigious titles and to manipulate circumstances, often at great personal and ethical cost. This relentless pursuit can lead to stress, strained relationships, and a betrayal of one’s true self. 

The truth is that confidence is fundamentally about trusting yourself. A deep-seated belief that no matter what challenges arise, you have the capacity to handle them. This redefinition shifts our focus from the external to the internal, encouraging a more sustainable, real form of confidence. True confidence does not come from the outside world—it comes from within.

Building confidence comes from building trust in ourselves 

Instead of always striving to change our circumstances to attain confidence, we can shift our focus to building that belief in ourselves; a true confidence that you can always have, regardless of the circumstances. And it’s attainable for us all right now… 

  • To practically cultivate real confidence, honor your commitments. Simply doing what you said you would do. This builds self-respect and trustworthiness, which are critical components of confidence. 

  • Look at how you’re treating others and consider how that reflects back on you. Many of our parents shared the “Golden Rule”. But maybe you didn’t realize how impactful that rule is when it comes to building our own confidence. Treating people with respect and kindness not only improves your relationships but also reinforces your self-esteem and self-image.

  • And reflect on your true self looking at your actions, thoughts, and feelings. Ask yourself: Am I proud of who I am? This practice helps align your external actions with your internal values, fostering integrity and, subsequently grows confidence.

As someone that has looked for confidence in all the wrong places before, I can tell you first hand that it’s not about what you have, what you achieve or how great the circumstances around you are. It’s much more than that.

It is fundamentally only a function of how well you know and trust yourself. 

Some of us have been going about it all backwards. Thinking that when we achieve certain things – then we will have confidence. But in reality it’s the other way around. When we build a belief in ourselves, trust ourselves, know who we are – then those achievements will fall into place. 

Rather than exhausting yourself in the endless pursuit of external achievements, why not invest in something more meaningful?

Build a pathway to real, sustainable confidence by building that trust in yourself and let the results follow.

True confidence awaits for those brave enough to discover it within.


Key Idea |

Building confidence comes from building trust in ourselves 

Confidence is a deep self--trust. A cultivated belief that no matter what happens, we know who we are to navigate it. It gives us the internal strength to confront anything we’re presented with. Circumstantial confidence, derived from status, money, relationships or anything externally will yield a fragile, false confidence at best.

Takeaway |

Build trust in yourself first and confidence will follow

Build your Movement |

Where are you feeling a lack of confidence? Where might you betraying yourself and eroding trust in yourself?


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