The Growth Hub

Ideas, tools, support and inspiration to realize your goals, purpose and potential, No Matter What

Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

The Contagion of Beliefs

Beliefs about what can and can’t be accomplished might be the easiest thing to catch from one another. They can be transferred via voice, text, audio and/or visual, and shape how we see the world. The acceptance of statements to be true or false…

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Two Words to Change Your Life

Can two words change your life? If you use them correctly. I know, you might be thinking: “Sterling, #NoMatterWhat may be a hashtag, but that’s technically three words”. But just stick with me and hear this out…

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

4 Ways to Identify a Problem Culture (and How to Fix it)

Let’s be real, “culture” is one of those nebulous words that’s hard to put your finger on exactly what it is. The dictionary defines it as “the set of values, ethics and beliefs held by a certain group”. Ok, well how do we identify those things? And how come sometimes the values or beliefs we say we have and post up on our conference room walls, aren’t always what we’re actually living by?

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

The Mindset Myth

We all run into challenges at some point in our life. And when you did, did you ever hear: “Just change your mindset!”, “Ahh, you need an empowered mindset.” or “It’s a positive mindset that you need.” Do these comments sound familiar? I don’t believe in mindsets. At least not in the way that pop-culture interprets them. There’s something far more powerful at play here…

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

7 Lessons the Shamans Taught Me

Everything I’ve learned from a week off the grid, working with Shamans, can’t possibly fit into a single blog. In fact, the true nature of what I’ve taken away from my latest adventure in the jungles of Costa Rica cannot easily be put into words at all. There’s a depth to the experience that…

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

One Way to Take the Real Red Pill

Most everyone knows of the infamous Red Pill from the blockbuster hit: The Matrix. Neo, the protagonist played by Keanu Reeves, is presented with the option: take the Blue Pill to remain in blissful ignorance of a simulated reality or take the Red Pill to see the hard truth…

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

8 Little Steps to Big Breakthroughs

Breakthroughs don’t always have to start BIG. “Great things are done by a series of small things brought together”, said Vincent van Gogh. And I think he’s right. Sometimes breakthroughs can start in small ways and snowball into massive change…

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

To Build, You First Have to Break

All organizations are organized to at least preserve existing performance. It’s the same with people. Built first to survive beyond all else. Don’t get me wrong, ideally we all want to improve, but mission one tends to be: preserve what we’ve done thus far.

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Hunt Discomfort, Do the “Impossible”

Most everyone knows of the infamous Red Pill from the blockbuster hit: The Matrix. Neo, the protagonist played by Keanu Reeves, is presented with the option: take the Blue Pill to remain in blissful ignorance of a simulated reality or take the Red Pill to see the hard truth…

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Confronting Mortality in the Jungle of Costa Rica

Right now, as you’re reading this, I’m in the jungle of Costa Rica. It’s a beautiful country known for its national parks, natural beauty and world class resorts. But I’m not here for any of those reasons. I’m here to experience what many call the closest thing you can do to dying… without dying

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

A Gang for Good

In 1986, Dolores Mission Church was notable only in all the ways a parish wouldn’t want to be notable. They were the poorest Catholic church in Los Angeles. They included some…

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

When is Enough, Enough? (and what to do about it)

I’m willing to bet that most things are “fine” in your life and business. Your job, fine. Your health, fine. Your community, fine. Not great, but fine. Nothing to complain about… And while that’s the case on the surface, underneath, there’s a part of you struggling inside.

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

It’s Not Discipline That You’re Missing

Discipline is necessary. But with all the coaches, articles and research, does anybody not know that these days? And yet, diets fall off, commitments fade, and the status quo returns for many companies and people. There’s something deeper than discipline alone…

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Playing Poker, Not Chess, to Get Results

Chess has long been touted to improve intelligence, memory and logic. But when it comes to applying those skills in the real world, it’s missing something. Something that Poker provides in spades (pun intended) -- weighing options, taking risk, reading people, even managing the element of luck. It’s these skills that directly translate into becoming a better player in business and even life.

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Problems Aren’t Always What They Seem

Problems, obstacles or roadblocks of some kind inevitably pop up on the way to our goals. I was recently reminded of a story about a dog and rabbit that exemplifies that oftentimes, problems may not be exactly what they seem to be on the surface…

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Confused? Commit.

Commitment can be uncomfortable. It can be risky. It can be scary. And it’s exactly what’s needed to move forward and get results. Commitment takes the extremely complex world (that can be paralyzingly full of options) and simplifies it so you can get to work. Commitment clarifies. And it inspires. Let me tell you what I mean.

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